eddie! ladies and gentlemen, water world will be open in twenty-six hours and forty-three minutes. alex! jus' the same old this's and that's, mon. what? no way. (hangs up phone, to alex & attention lost river guards. we have a report that some huge fat bald guy has abandoned his swimsuit and is slidin' down lost river with nothin' on but a smile. be watchin' for a great white whale now. attention please. will mr. john big bootay report to lost river splashdown. john big-bootay to lost river splashdown. i'll let you in on a little secret. perception is everything. now, jamal from aurora, he's probably over with those guys. cleaning the rest rooms. but jaffa from jamaica, he's in customer service, wearin' the nice shirt and playing the music. perception and atmosphere. you get it? we'd like thank aokee and his crew for hosting this evening's luau. we'd also like to bring aokee up to sing one of his hawaiian specialties.