yeah. this is great. i love this plan. drag me kicking and screaming from my happy home in california to some weird place in colorado, and say hey, this'll be fun robbie. maybe we can go camping. "administrative assistant." there's no such thing as a secretary anymore. grounds crew. what kind of job is that? it sound like the guy who cleans out the coffee pots. i had friends in oceanside. i had something to do for the summer. all thanks to dad and his secretary. whatever. some summer. i will. i promise. see you later i'm robbie. robbie zirpollo. i believe it's with the grounds crew? i can swim. why? almost 16. i get my license in september. well, i just moved here. i guess i missed guard tryouts. you're a guard then? can't swim, huh? what is that? ouch. whoa. who was that? so who is she? cowboy, huh. big guy? rob zirpollo. uh, robert zirpollo so what is this grounds thing, anyway? i was confused myself, sir. i had heard i was working for some hawaiian guy. so that was a typical lunch crowd? busier? there's nothing like cash money in your pocket. what's that over there? i can't imagine it's that difficult. . no rudder on the board. no? you were right. i was interested in hey. i've been sent to find some table stretchers and left-handed coffee pots. yeah, how'd you know? thanks. got it. wow. jamaica. i thought i was far from home. hi. we're looking for some table stretchers and left-handed coffee pots. uh, yes. robbie. ummm, rob zirpollo. thanks. what did that girl amy mean? when she said, when are you going to tell him? aokee's not going to be happy. nobody seems to know where these things are. what? what a dirty trick. humph. but. don't we get an employee discount? shouldn't we go in the front? what now? what is this thing for anyway? and what would this concessions kid have to do? has it ever happened? hello. on break? coming up. these are only for vip guests. california. i just moved here at the beginning of the summer. you'd love the ocean. and the sunsets are incredible. you can almost hear the sizzle as the sun drops into the ocean. of course, we all know it doesn't drop into the ocean. let's just say i missed my chance, and alex saved me from a death worse than fate. i was very nearly a trash rat. mmmm. i told her how beautiful the california sunsets are. yeah. the wave? ah ha! let's go. i'm from oceanside, california. i was born on a surfboard. in my sleep. what did i spill now? i dunno. yeah, surfing is usually how i spend my summers. yeah. some kind of trophy. i dunno. seems kind of silly to me. it shouldn't be that hard. how good could this cowboy be? hello, grandma? no, i'm fine. listen, grandma. i need you to send me a few of my things. i don't how much fun it will be. with aokee hosting, we'll be working. i'm afraid you're right. something must perfect. a work of art. they're. oh, he's great. alex too. i thought this summer was going to be a train wreck, but it's not turning out too bad. no, but it looks like i will get a chance to do some surfing anyway. apparently there's some kind of surfing contest and aokee is all over me to enter. you've heard of it? we'll see. it seems kind of stupid to me. a surfing contest in colorado. hey, listen. alex told me about this great spot on the other side of thunder bay that looks down on the party, but it's a little more quiet. want to go for a walk? not both my folks. just my mom. let's just say my father had an eye for his administrative assistant, and now they're both somewhere in mexico. mom got a job here, some of her family's here, so they said "colorady is the place you outta be". well, i must admit, i've met some very nice people. in california, the attitude's a little different. here, not everyone is out to prove something. seem's like everyone just wants to have fun. just a sec. hey, alex. give us break down here. turn down the sound effects. so where did you learn to dance like this? can you keep my deepest, darkest secret? when you grow up within spitting distance of hollywood, every mother seems to think her child is the next harrison ford. so when i was about 12, my mom started taking me to all these auditions for things. some days i'm not even the next robbie zirpollo. turns out i get this part. they're selling some dish soap or something, and they think it will be magical to have two twelve year old kids dancing ballroom on this fantasy set with clouds and everything. they lock this girl and i into a dance studio with a choreographer for two weeks, and then they shoot the commercial. yeah, but when it came out everyone in school saw it. i couldn't go anywhere for six months without everyone in the room laughing their heads off. hello? hello? yeah, sorry. are you pipeman? so you're real name's carl? oh. well, my name's robbie. i work at aokee's. i need your help. it's not the scrub sink. i need your help. i'm competing in the employee olympics. with your advanced surfing experience, aokee thought you might be able to help me. well, you know. "pipeman"? hawaii's north shore? surfing the pipeline? oh, boy. see, i'm from california, and i can surf, i just don't know what to expect from the wave on thunder bay. i. i was just hoping you could help, i really am sorry for bothering you. i need a mentor; you know like in karate kid. no, no it's a movie. generally, you, as mentor, draw on some personal religious philosophy to first intimidate, and then later inspire me. what religion are you? ah, brigham young and all that. okay. and your belief structure. great, perfect. thanks. i won't let you down. what the heck is a corn-nut? hi! glad you could make it. what's that? with that? a garage door clicker? should be about right. aren't you getting in? where's your board? just gimme another wave. okay. please. tell me what i did wrong. the ocean never had a back wall. thank you. sorry, dude, that tray was way off balance. i'm really getting the hang of that wave. i'll try to remember to look and see who's watching. how will the judging work? you've seen the competition. what does everybody do? ok. i'm ready. hey jaffa. no worries. people are betting on me? i've seen this cowboy practice. his style is more longboard, and this is a shortboard wave, but he's still pretty good. i could lose you know. how ya doin' see. how come everyone knows me by sight now? i suppose. i've been working out a strategy to use if cowboy has a real good day. it's risky. you know me? the best teriyaki east of the pacific. well, sure. i'll be working all afternoon. yes. yes we do. alex! i won't need a ride tonight after all. tiff's taking me home! hard to blame them. no one told them they had to put their mouth on yours until the last minute. yuck. oh. hey. uh. ok, i guess. kind of a tie. party, huh? that sounds like fun. i have to work until nine tonight. hey. i'm done with the pots and pans. it's almost nine. can i take off now? everything ok? well, tiffany invited me to a little party up in the mountains. it's no big deal. i'll be fine. but. aw, come on. maybe she's just letting him down easy. like what? naw. you guys are nuts. she's not like that. look, i know what to believe and what not to. i'm not that easily fooled. sure. he's great. i love working here. aokee, you've been real good to me. aokee? and you knew? i need to think about all this. right. goodnight. what you lookin' at? i slept fine. i decided i'm not my father. i don't run out on the people i care about just because some blond shakes her ta-ta's at me. get going! second. don't want to win with him falling. actually, that's exactly what i'm thinking. it's the reason we're in a tie. i've been too conservative. i've got to do everything i can, or just forget about it. it's all or nothing. we gotta pull the fin. one time, these tourists from japan on the beach at la jolla offered me a hundred bucks to do a full spin at the top of the wave, and then slide down and cut back and do a full back flip. i pulled it off. a friend of mine had a tricks board with just a single fin and foot pockets. you got duct tape? here and here. pipeman is taking the extra fins off my board. i only need one to make a deep cut back. he is also putting some pockets to slip my feet into so when i flip upside down, i don't lose the board. a back flip. you guys see it on snowboarders here all the time, i'm sure. yeah, well, a tie is like kissing your sister. i'll need the biggest wave you can give me. i'm just making this up as i go along. i just want to thank aokee, alex and katie for all their support. and i have just one thing to say to everyone in concessions. we did it! i don't know. we have a pretty good time at aokee's. you wouldn't like it. you know katie, i really am sorry i was such a jerk this summer. alex? i'm gonna need to borrow twenty bucks.