well, it looks like we have a good staff here. yes. yes a good staff. it will be an excellent summer. remember as we go through training today, our park is judged by the work we do. if we do it well, the people come back. we have a little tradition here on the grounds crew. rather than having to learn a lot of names, many of which i can never hope to pronounce properly, each grounds crew member gets a grounds crew nickname. you will be known by that nickname in every way except, of course, your paycheck and employee records. let's see, what do we have? hmm. yes. ok, first up is eddie cochran. your grounds crew nickname will be. eddie! now crewmembers, listen up. eddie here has eight years experience on the grounds crew. why, i'd like to think there isn't anything, any situation that eddie hasn't faced. listen to him. learn from him. watch what he does. this man is the finest, most conscientious grounds crewman we've ever had. let's see. clark? hmmm. your grounds crew nickname will be. sparky. hmmm. your grounds crew nickname will be. skeeter. bradley, is it? ok, mr. bradley. your grounds crew nickname will be snitch. melinda tally. hmmm. your grounds crew nickname will be. alex, isn't it? well, no, i didn't think it was. well, it really wasn't much of a. well, i suppose when you put it that way. yes. i remember now. what was your grounds nickname? film? i never forget a grounds nickname. good god, man, what are you trying to say? zirpollo? well this is highly irregular. most annoying. never happened before. spa. what? well, if he was supposed to be assigned to you, we'll just have to let him go. very well. we'll just have to make-do. snafu. his grounds crew nickname. i remember it now. snafu.