got a spot set up for you, tom. ms. potter's the nice girl you met at the desk. she puts a package together for all the new agents, things to know about the area, help with finding apartments and such. this one's yours: not so different from dallas, is it? good. mackelway! you gonna sit on your ass all day, or do you wanna do something? did the right thing, agent mackelway. let's have a look. what's that? i imagine you would be. field office. dallas. christ. agent mackelway. i was 'bout to introduce you, but i understand that won't be necessary. seems your former office has decided we might need some help on this one. so they sent out agent kulok. i guess we're skipping the tearful reunion. have a seat, tom. okay. whadda we know? 'kay. okay. so our guy likes to draw pictures of body parts and then spring 'em on people. what's that get us? that's what i thought. oh. 'fore i forget. this came in for you: mmm-hmm. might wanna find yourself a fender. you're gonna need to sit down. it's virgil ray starkey. no. starkey's the one on the ground. give him a break, grieves. whadda we know about the map? why's greenville in blue? any of these bodies been recovered? either of the bodies have the zero on them? we're gonna need everything you can remember about this guy, tom. physical description, any kind of distinguishing characteristics. the suspect fled. couple janitors walked in on it. they're fine. but the description they gave of him wasn't worth a damn. case you're curious the real professor daitz is on sabbatical, out of the country. we can't find him. whose idea was it to meet there? uh-huh. did he ask you to come alone? but you figured you'd get a bigger pat on the head if you wrapped this whole thing up without any help - is that it? did agent mackelway attend the interview unaccompanied? then whose fuck-up is it? you wanna work alone, start your own agency. let's get you two started. listen to me cowboy. you have any idea the kind of favors i had to pull with the abilene cops to cover your ass?! breaking and entering the speck house without a shred of evidence and no warrant?! ever ask yourself why a big shot agent from dallas gets sent down to the wichita falls field office? i'll give you two words. hell i'll even write it down for ya. "evidentiary procedure." don't talk about it. learn it. turns out you were right about this guy. you were right about both of them. but that doesn't change the fact that you went about your business like a rookie. got it? seated please. okay. we've got a serial killer of serial killers. he's a transient with a history of mental illness. he also happens to think he's a former agent of this bureau. and he is pursuing something that he calls "suspect zero." anybody got anything intelligent to say? that's what i thought. got one of those pins in denton yet? o'ryan was spotted there tonight. took a squad-car and a side-arm from a state trooper. 'bout an hour later a five-year old boy was abducted, roughly a mile up the interstate. the vehicle was found in an abandoned lot. we're establishing a perimeter around the city now. what makes you so sure? looks like it. why would he do that? ya know what? i'm getting extremely tired of hearing that word. in fact, that's gonna be policy from now on. no zero. what're you saying - that all these abductions are the work of one guy? do you know how fucking insane that is?! not let's try something that actually makes sense: he sends in these faxes, picks off three scumbags. for what?! so we'll think exactly what you're thinking right now - that we've got a friend out there, somebody willing to take out the garbage for the rest of us. and it's all horse-shit! fuck's sake, mackelway - when did you start buying into this guy?! speak for yourself. do you? i'd say you'd watched too many "x-files." no. good for him. i'm going to denton at oh-six-hundred. you can take the day off. does he listen to you? it's not a strength of his. i'm noticing that lately. i'm not so sure. you oughtta sit him down, remind him how a chain-of-command works. talk to him. nice work. where is he? O'Ryan. Where is he? Mackelway rises, studies Charlton. There's nothing to say.