no, sir. i dunno. what are they? mmm-hmm. oh. thanks. ya run the plates? hey! what the fuck're you doing?! you guys ever heard of evidentiary procedure? sir? sort of a. stickler for procedure. hold it a second. smells like. clove. fran. how's things back at the ranch? i don't think so, no. i think it was pushed. the look of the tracks. foot-prints near the embankment. what can you tell us about the other man? we ought to work out some kind of protocol. interviews. witnesses. looks pretty silly, our talking over one another. trunk's ajar. huh? so they can't blink. it's a metaphor - to make certain the victim sees. or to make certain that we see something. or maybe it's just a fuck-you. i'm sorry about don. you're not wearing your ring anymore. hello? did he have access to those? would you mind opening them for me? he was here. seven years you said? i ran the name through our database, just to be sure. there's never been an agent benjamin o'ryan in the bureau. is that what you called him? benjamin? can i see it? still, might be helpful. wait. yes, sir. they assured me that they understood protocol. huh? no. i'm sorry? no. did you know him? the guy who used to stay upstairs. "o'ryan." did you know him? i don't. oh. i mis-spoke. no, he's not dead. you know him? he ever talk about this? a circle with a slash through it? oh. how do you know? sir? we got an i.d. yet? starkey did this? my god. 'scuse me. it matches the faxes, sir. almost perfectly. only city where the date on the fax and the date on the map didn't correspond. fax lists the date of disappearance as august 7. on the map he's written "10- 26." two so far. female, disappeared from dayton, ohio on april 12. and a male, trenton, new jersey, january 5th. but both bodies were found over a thousand miles from where they'd last been seen. one in montana, the other in oregon. got autopsy reports on both. no, sir. huh? i don't know. yeah. criminal psych. i've been trading e- mails with him. professor daitz? patterns, repetition of behavior. is that something you believe in, professor? evil? i'm sorry? where is he? his, sir. no, sir. it was. poor judgment, sir. what was that music? how? i can't get a read on this guy. why is he sending us all this shit? i've got 800 pins in that map, 800 missing people. what's he telling us? he kills a travelling salesman, then a school-teacher. then starkey? it doesn't connect. i'm fine. i'm clear. i just didn't think this could wait. fran, this guy is trying to point us at something. starkey's part of it. but the other two don't connect. i'm fine! i just need somebody to think this through with me! he wanted to meet me. it's like he was interviewing me somehow. what is that? then he kills starkey. so what was he doing with speck and fulcher? no. no. you come out. get dressed. i dunno. somewhere. we're right on the edge of this thing. mrs. speck. just had a few more questions. it's fine. i should've called. you were. thanks. no. sorry. oh. there was one other thing: did he keep any kind of chemicals around the house? acids, that sort of thing? it's nothing. trace elements we found on his trunk. any interest in chemistry? maybe as a hobby? anyway, thank you. and thanks for the coffee. next time i'll call first, i promise. it's okay, fellas. fbi. sir. the sample i took from speck's bumper. it's crystallized sulfuric acid mixed with oil of clove, the clove neutralizes the odor of the acid. it was speck not his killer who was hiding something. thanks. hey. yeah. you okay? sure. of course. he really was fbi. o'ryan. he left his file on my doorstep. fran, he was fbi. i'm look at his whole history! citations, letters of commendation, even his fucking test scores from quantico. the guy was an agent. listen to me-- shit! hold on. yes? where are you? shit! that was him. yes. o'ryan? who? zero's a myth. you made him up. do you? huh? you tell me. huh? yeah. white. no. tell me about it. but the trooper wasn't hurt. professional courtesy. is that. possible, sir? an agent can just be deleted? i couldn't understand it before - pushing speck's car onto the state line. makes sense now. he wanted to make the case federal. he's drawing us in. so we'd be paying attention when he found suspect zero. sir, profile the guy. he's straight outta quantico. all he's doing is working a case, like we would. he's not kidnapping little kids - he's chasing the guy who's doing the kidnapping! look at the map! what if it isn't? what if there really is a zero out there and o'ryan's the one guy who's got a shot at him? he's smarter than we are. sir? what if i told you i knew how to catch him? and what if i told you that the way i'd catch him involved sitting in a dark room, with nothing in front of me but a pad of paper. until i'd tapped into some kind of. energy out there. the collective unconscious. something. if i told you i thought i could target and locate him, without ever leaving this building, what would you say? y'ever heard of a project called "icarus," sir? agents, trained to "see" distant locations using nothing but the mind. they called it remote viewing. army stole it from the soviets. the bureau stole it from the army - used it to track serial killers. experimental program. o'ryan was the first agent they recruited. voodoo, right? pure bullshit. . except, it worked. it's how he drew this: mackelway's referring to that drawing: a steamer-trunk, filled with ghastly ziploc bags: he'd never been in that house before. he just saw what was in there - the bureau taught him how. same one that deleted him. same one that's trying to catch him now. does anything about all this strike you as odd? they going to denton? but not you? oh. yeah. why? are they male or female? the autopsies. sometimes. the lucky ones get sent to wichita falls. friend of the receptionist, missing for about a year now. i told her i'd let her know if the body ever turned up. her name's katie. yeah. last night. kid named simms. what're you talking about? need an address on this fax line. o'ryan's in greenville. that's where zero is. lloyd simms - october 26, '99. karen sumpter - october 26, 2000. both disappeared from greenville. zero comes back to the same spot, once a year. today's the 25th. o'ryan thinks so. i've seen this before. same burn-mark. i saw it before but it didn't register. i dunno. almost looks too symmetrical to be a burn. they're autopsying her this morning? he sent a fax from this location 'bout seven o'clock this morning. are your faxes programmable? could he have paid last night to have it sent this morning? were you here last night? 'scuse me. mackelway. you're sure. so. he keeps the bodies in a freezer, then buries them? thanks, fran. just some coffee, thanks. might hit the buffet in a bit. mackelway. surveilling. what're you doing? why would you be doing that? i'm at the truck-stop we traced. off the i'll order some lunch for you. hear the meatloaf's good today. dammit! this is mackelway. i need a run down on a plate. texas: delta-142-romeo-victor- alpha. got that? you okay? kid? you okay in there? i'll be back. don't worry. what're you doing here? hands up. huh? sorry to disappoint you. what little boy? you know where he is? how? i can't do that. where's the boy? where's the boy, o'ryan? enough of this shit. where's the boy? i will kill you, o'ryan. where's the goddamn kid?!?! fine. where is he? where is he?!?! fuck you. where's the boy? tell me about icarus. just. wanna know. they all wind up like you? the other agents? i'm sorry. can't bring you in with me. you know that. those faxes, the have-you-seen-me's. how many of 'em is he actually responsible for? it's his birthday, isn't it? he comes home on his birthday. drive. fuck! this is mackelway! i'm travelling north on. grove road, approaching i-30 in greenville. request immediate back-up. pursuing a suspect in a refrigerated truck, texas license plate alpha-- brakes! travelling due west now. don't see a name. it's a service road, running parallel to the-- what're you. get the van open! he's got a kid in the van! i'll take it from here. give me the gun, o'ryan. give me the fucking gun! okay. you made your point. enough! drop it. just drop it. put it down. get up. get up. i'm not going to kill you, o'ryan. you saw wrong! stop telling me about my fucking destiny! open your eyes, o'ryan! here i am, standing here. i'm not shooting you. doesn't that fucking tell you something? you're a guy with a skill. period. they taught you more than they should've. i'm sorry about that. but you're not god. you can't see everything. put the fucking thing down, o'ryan. i'm not going to kill you! yes i do! i can't. i'm not you. sir?