will you be spending more than a night? she. she was a friend of mine. at school. she fell for kyle just before we graduated. got pregnant, and. went to live in a trailer up on a woodlot kyle's dad used to own. kyle started spending more and more time at the spread eagle. coming home drunk and i guess feeling trapped by his life and blaming her for that. and. what do you mean? well, there's the hamiltons. joe and shelly hamilton. there's the prescots. but charlene. the ottos. wanda and hartley. they lost bear. he was their adopted son. a beautiful boy. indian. yes. they're smart. been to college. they moved here from the city about a dozen years ago. crafts. wanda does these photographic things. that's one of her pictures on the wall. you don't know that. no. wendell's working on the roof. he thinks he's fixing a leak. as far as i'm concerned he's just punching in a few new holes. billy, that's too early. can't you make it later? i guess. have you been waiting long? billy, do you have to smoke? wendell can smell if someone's been smoking. no. it should be dry by now. when the game's over, i guess. tomorrow i'm going to put sean on the bus. he won't want to go. he never does. he'll cry and want to hold on to me. yes. your kids never cry. they can look forward to that. just like we look forward to this. you're leaving. good night, billy. morning, dolores. i guess they are. go on now, sean. go on. i don't know. no. he's not sick or anything. it's just one of those mornings, i guess. i knew you'd be here. are you going to the funeral? something made this happen, billy. mr. stephens is going to find out what it was. mr. stephens says that someone didn't put a right bolt in the bus. or that the guardrail wasn't strong enough. i have to. because i have to. is it true that you gave nicole one of lydia's dresses? that she was wearing it when the bus crashed? why did you do that, billy? go on now. go on.