that was great. you're going to blow everyone away. of course. i am. really. it was awesome. let's sit down. what's so funny? what took so long? what's that? does it fit? don't even try to remember. just wait till you see what we've got waiting for you at home. how do you like it, nicole? pretty slick, eh? do you like the colour? and i had to widen a few doors. you'll see. what do you think? sure. i'll fix it right away. oh. i better get some spackle. he's a lawyer. he's our lawyer. well, yes. he's your lawyer too. it's because of the accident, nicole. most people in this town whose kids were on the bus have got lawyers. a lot of people. well, people in this town are very angry. us included. you're going to need special care for a long time to come. it's not going to be easy. not for you, not for any of us. because we love you so much. and it's going to cost money. more than we can imagine. partly. but there's a lot the insurance doesn't cover. that's one of the reasons we have a lawyer. to make sure the insurance gets paid and to help us look after the rest. well, mr. stephens is representing several families. the ottos, the walkers, us, and i think a couple more. mr. stephens is suing the town for negligence. he's sure that the accident could have been avoided if they had done their jobs right. he's a very smart man. what she means, mitch. when do they award damages? did he say what about? was he drinking? could you tell? come on, jen. i let you watch your nature show. is he coming over now? right away? what are you up to, nicole? nothing good on your t.v.? hey, billy! what brings you out on a night like this? c'mon in. take a load off. so what brings you out tonight? i don't see how that concerns you, billy. well, i don't know why it should. there's a whole lot of people in town involved with lawsuits. we're hardly unique here, billy. i mean, i can understand how you feel. well, it being so depressing and all. but it's reality. you can't just turn this off because you happen to think it's a bad idea. because it's what we have to do. okay, fine. so. stay out of it. so? i mean, lot's of folks have got lawyers. that won't happen, billy. mitch stephens' case is small, compared to some of those other guys. the way he told me, all he needs is for you to say what you saw that day, driving behind the bus. i know it's a painful thing to do, but it'll only take a few minutes of your time. that'll be the end of it. c'mon, you know that won't. no, billy. we can't drop the lawsuit. you know how much we need the money. it's not enough. for hospital bills. for nicole. i'm sorry. we're getting on with our lives, billy. maybe it's time you got on with yours. are you sleeping? nicole, tomorrow mr. stephens wants you to make your deposition at the courthouse. i thought i'd take you over. you seem. i don't know. well, distant, i guess. hard to talk to. what do you mean? well, okay. i'll take you about nine-thirty in the morning. that's okay with you? yes. okay. i don't know. it's too late for that. she can't drive the bus anymore. the school board saw to that right off. there's talk of that.