now on that morning, did there come a time, nicole, when you left your parents' house?
what time in the morning was this?
was anyone waiting for the bus with you?
was there anything unusual about the driver, dolores driscoll, or the bus that particular morning?
was the bus on time?
and where did you sit that morning?
and according to your recollection, there was nothing unusual about the drive that morning?
and was this incident caused in any way by anything the driver of the bus did?
there was nothing reckless in mrs. driscoll's behavior?
did there come a time when all the children had been picked up?
you remember that much?
did there come a time when the bus turned off staples mill road onto
you are?
and what was the weather like at this time?
i will offer that report. well, then, now that your memory seems to be clearing, can you tell us what else you observed at that time?
why were you scared?
this is before the accident, nicole. do you understand what i'm asking?
why were you scared?
mrs. driscoll was driving too fast? what made you think that, nicole?
you could see the speedometer?
how fast would you say mrs. driscoll was going? to the best of your recollection?
seventy-two miles an hour? you're sure of this?
you believe that the bus driven by mrs. driscoll was going at seventy- two miles an hour at this time?
you saw the speedometer?
did you say anything to mrs. driscoll?
why not?
there wasn't time?
you remember this?
what do you remember about the accident?
do you have any questions, mr. stephens?
thank you, nicole.