are you a reporter? you here about the accident? kyle lambston's a drunk. nobody likes him. he's a nasty piece of work. been drinking since high school. fucked himself up. used to be smart enough. probably half a dozen traffic convictions. drunk driving. lost his licence. that's why he don't work no more. can't get off that shitty dump they live on. what little money comes in goes to booze. don't know. food banks, welfare, church charity. they scrape by. taking it out on her. yeah, right. that sonofabitch owes thousands to the bank and half the businesses in town. he's about to lose his house and car. charlene's over at the spread eagle every other night. sleeps with whatever she can get her hands on. she'll go down for a pat on the head and a fistful of peanuts. don't even think of the bilodeaus or the atwaters. they're all inbred. yeah, well, they probably smoke weed. you don't know is what you mean.