shooting past d'angelo and sidney towards the bandstand. frank d'angelo has followed sidney out onto the fire escape; other members of the quintet have also appeared. while d'angelo watches him, the boy continues. camera tracks slowly back through the club as the chatter and babble of the customers begins to diminish in appreciation of the quiet melancholy of the music. mischievously, hunsecker nods at sidney. a close shot on bartha as he turns towards sidney, stopping. otis elwell stands on the landing outside. in most gentlemanly fashion, he takes off his hat. elwell is not unaware of his cool reception. he glances at sidney as he comes into the room. but his manner is suave. elwell looks at sidney; sidney looks at elwell. elwell gets up slowly from the settee. evans makes the mistake of laying a hand on sidney's elbow. sidney doesn't like people touching him. he reacts in anger, as we have seen before - fixes a burning eye on evans. steve and d'angelo waiting for him. sidney comes into shot. sally remains at her desk while steve and d'angelo are silent, looking at sidney. steve notes sidney's too-perfunctory reading. as the door closes behind steve, frank follows, more slowly. as d'angelo reaches the door, he pauses with his hand on the doorknob and turns back to study sidney. sidney turns to her, challenging. sidney lingers beside the old movie star who is listening, rapt, to hunsecker's words. sidney is less impressed with j.j.'s eloquence. at the conclusion, mildred applauds lightly. she stands up and moves towards j.j. j.j. wants to talk to sidney but is frustrated by the old movie star. a tracking shot. sidney comes up beside hunsecker, falls into step beside him. as they cross towards a water cooler at the back of the stage, they talk in rapid undertone. susan is waiting in the foyer. she is standing in a position where she has not been able to see steve until he enters; now she moves forward to greet him. as soon as she is near him, she speaks in a quiet, urgent manner: susan is still standing in the wings. mary is with her, obviously sympathetic. the girl is drying her eyes with kleenex, and mary glances at her employer with a look of reproach. hunsecker walks round the table, obviously trying to approach susan; seeing this, susan turns away and moves further from him. hunsecker stops. as sidney steps up, he grasps at the door of the taxi, trying to hold it open, but susan pulls it shut, catching his fingers in the door. sidney steps back in pain. steve stoops to pick it up, replaces it on her shoulders. camera moves with sidney as he walks towards the doorway. there he hesitates again; he looks back into the club. sidney in foreground, kello and murph beyond. kello laughs; but obviously he would like to be nearer to sidney. perhaps to detain sidney, kello drawls: from half-way up the stairs. sidney comes up the steps two at a time. kello and murphy are seen beyond. sidney walks towards the study, there is nobody there either. he goes back towards the stairs to the upper floor; in doing so he repasses the door of susan's bedroom, sees that it is half open, goes to look in. the telephone is framed in foreground, susan beyond. it continues to ring. as hunsecker crosses to his desk to pick up the instrument, camera pulls back. hunsecker speaks: