this is susan hunsecker. she wears an expensive mink coat. it is oddly in contrast with her personality; the face is sensitive and intelligent, but childlike and tragic. a girl in adolescence already burdened with problems beyond her capacity. over scene, the music continues. susan shifts her position, knowing that the session will soon be at an end and that the musicians will be coming backstage. reverse angle. a captain approaches sidney. as the car comes to a stop, camera shoots across the hood onto the windshield where we see the insignia: police. the occupants of the car are not visible. kello pauses as sidney comes up to him, asks affably: kello wipes his knuckles on his handkerchief. he signals to phil to help lift the body at his feet. phil enters shot and they raise sidney, half carrying, half dragging him out of shot. susan pauses on the sidewalk. she stays there for a moment. she breathes in the fresh morning air, looking around with the expression of someone who sees the world with new eyes. then she starts up broadway - away from the times square area. the girl's step has a purpose in it; she has confidence and courage. music for the end titles is quiet, simple and lyrical.