he is at the bar, listening with satisfaction to the music, watching the performers and studying the audience. sidney comes up behind him. we see sidney's eyes flick from d'angelo towards the bandstand and back again. then, as he takes the stool next to d'angelo, he assumes a different manner, a sulky resentment. d'angelo sees sidney. joe, give my nephew a drink. that's a lollipop that, boy. the kid is only great. went over to philly yesterday an' seen the folks. it's nice you send them the fifty a month. i only had a few hours. thanks for the publicity spread you got the boys for the benefit tomorrow. looka, sidney, you're my own sister's son, but where does that give you the right to call me a liar? yeah, and it's the truth, to the best of my knowledge. and, frankly, i'm glad. for steve's sake, i'm glad, not yours. i manage these boys and i got their best interests at heart. steve shouldn't get mixed up with no bimbo at his age. not in those exact words - you know what a temper he's got. coupla weeks. for eight weeks. four five nights ago. that's how i know the romance is off. also steve's in a very bad mood. i don't like this threatening attitude. when it comes to it, what the heck is it your business what they do, this boy and girl. he looks disturbed. what are you boys fighting about? come on boys, break it up. did she accept? lots of good people in this town are dependent on her brother. excuse me, steve. i said namely you shouldn't go around wild, blaming people without justification. sensing the danger, d'angelo moves forward soothingly between them. boys, this gets nobody nowhere - you're over excited, steve and - excited with good reason, i wanted to say. because this endangers the future of the whole quintet. people catch on quick to such an item. van cleve already called me - he's firing the quintet. we're on our way there now. he does not answer for a moment. the unspoken accusation in his look is very clear. then: the ugly world, sidney. if i told steve what i really think, he'd tear your head off. no. i'm interested in his future. not that i'm convinced, but you'll never prove it in a million years. steve, you'll do what you want, but it can't hurt; he offers you an olive branch - so today like olives! d'angelo studies the boy with a paternal affection. steve, sometimes it's better not to look at your own honesty; but to look the other man in the face. not because you're my meal ticket - which you are - but because i like you and the boys, please take my advice: we - no, mr. hunsecker, and if i can amplify -- steve wantsa thank you for this favor. he -- steve, that isn't important -- steve was excited. he didn't mean it exactly the way it's stated here. what does she wanna see you about? i could think of better places to meet her, instead of here. he lives on the whole top floor. he addresses steve soberly. steve. you made a very dangerous enemy of him today. matter of fact, i'm very glad we got the tour ahead. if i'm any judge, you hurt him today where he lives. he won't forget it and he won't forgive. i will, miss hunsecker. still there. not that i don't like her - she's a very lovely person, but who can tell? a year from now you might thank your stars that it turned out this way. by the way, robard said that. no. i don't leave you alone on a night like this. and, anyway, you promised. lew, steve don't feel too good. so, if you don't mind, he'll leave after this set. hey!. mr. falco. i hate to give you this satisfaction - they broke it off tonight for good. tell that to hunsecker - tell him we agree - he's a big man - he wins all the marbles! d'angelo leaves the bar, in search of steve. he sees. steve! press this in your friendship book. love is a crooked thing, friendship not. you see, it comes out in the wash of a few drinks -- i'm a very sentimental guy. whatsa matter, lou? he turns to look back towards the direction in which the police car has departed. he seems unable to comprehend what he has heard; but a slow and terrible fear is dawning on him. i'm looking for your brother. is he home? when does he usually gets in, your night-owl brother? no. no. thanks. he's in the hospital. he's under arrest, too. they planted reefer cigarettes on him. in his overcoat pocket. miss hunsecker, if you see him again they might. might kill him. don't ask foolish questions. tell your brother i'm a sensible man. he understands only two things - power-politics and homage - tell him i came tonight to pay homage!