rita is in a flurry of indignation. sitting on the bed, she is fastening one high-heeled shoe. sidney stands glaring at her. when the phone comes alive, sidney pushes the bedroom door shut. the gesture is as casual as he can contrive to make it. keeping his voice fairly low so that it cannot be heard in the other room, he says: sidney has picked up the phone. from sidney's viewpoint. the bed has been slept in but is unoccupied. the room is empty. with the door closed, she leans against it as if afraid of falling. she gropes for the door handle, finds the key and turns it. shooting towards the door. susan is sitting on the bed in foreground. in a methodical, hypnotic way, she is destroying the contents of the drawer, tearing letters into small fragments. sidney's voice is heard outside: "susie!" susan appears not to hear it; camera tracks closer to her. sidney's voice is heard again, louder: "susie!" susan turns sharply towards the door. susan comes into the room, finding shelter from the revelation which has so appalled her. inexorably sidney follows her. he comes across the threshold, closes the door. the room is quite empty. camera shoots across the bed towards the door in background. susan's discarded fur coat lies on the bed. and the doors of the wardrobe are open. hunsecker's voice can be heard continuing over scene: from hunsecker's viewpoint. a panning shot, from the open door of the cupboard to the fur coat. camera pulls back to include hunsecker. he steps to the bed, picks up the coat. a downward angle, shooting past hunsecker to the door. as hunsecker retreats from the door, he is still clutching the fur coat. he stands alone in the middle of the room and his gestures are a little wild. camera rises higher to shoot down at hunsecker, alone in the little room.