sidney stands back to let her pass. close shot of sidney. he hears the music starting. hunsecker is framed in foreground, speaking into the telephone. sidney is in background, outside the door of susan's bedroom. hunsecker is fully aware of sidney's presence, as he says: susan comes out of the door. she moves with a sober determination, expecting to find hunsecker in the room. camera tracks with her. but then she realizes that hunsecker has gone out on the terrace. she takes a step or two towards him, then pauses. camera shoots towards the closed door of susan's room. hunsecker walks into the shot, stops before the door. he begins to take off his tie and unbutton his shirt, clearly preparing to go to bed. as an after-thought, he comes back to the door, addresses it: a similar angle, shooting down on hunsecker as he comes out of the bedroom. but as he starts to roam the vast room, camera rises higher still, pulling backwards and upwards to a long shot which holds the entirety of the big room in all its ugliness.