robard is a stolid, secure man, balding and with a moustache. he has a morose sense of humor. he is speaking from a telephone on a little desk at the end of the bar. in background, the club is open, but there are few customers as yet. some recorded jazz is being played while the musicians are still arriving, strolling past in background, depositing their overcoats and music cases in the little closet assigned to them. steve dallas' quintet on the stand. camera frames the group in foreground, shooting towards the entrance way. sidney has come in through the entrance. he is taking off his overcoat. he moves forward past the hat check room on the left, approaching the recess in which several music cases are stacked beside a coat rack on which the musicians' overcoats are hung. robard is standing at the bar, surrounded by a group of his cronies. drink is flowing and there is a sentimental mood of celebration. once more, an abrupt sound transition: the jam session at full blast. camera frames the musicians in foreground, but moves away from them towards the entrance in background. near the doorway there is some activity; an attendant beckons to robard who is drinking with d'angelo. robard moves toward the entrance.