he repeats aloud a story which is told him over the telephone. he studies the girl intently. hunsecker's glance flicks between the girl and the senator. again his glance links the girl and the senator. he leans back, speaking more quietly, enjoying himself. he smiles disarmingly. he studies them, then calls out: he descends to meet them; his manner is full of welcome. he seems to take this as a gesture of forgiveness from her. now he touches her. his need for her is apparent; he tries to reach her, tries to find an excuse to embrace her. she submits to this very passively. he goes back to mary and the script. he instructs her: he is pounding on the door again. camera makes a quick pan to sidney who, in a split second, realizes that susan may have gone out on the balcony. he turns, dashes towards the study to look out on the terrace. he studies the girl. his face has hardened. he moves, beginning to pace. once again hunsecker reassures himself that susan must be behind the door. but his voice is even more false as he declares: