quite deliberately, with her eyes moistened by love and affection. she nods. she is not totally convinced by this performance. she smiles skeptically. sidney walks into shot, going past her on his way to the door. a close up. she realizes that sidney means to insist. she turns away towards the blowing curtains in background. she has now started to climb onto the parapet. sidney leaps into shot, dragging her bodily off the parapet and out of shot. we hear susan cry out, a hysterical gasp. camera, looking through the windows of susan's bedroom, sees the door fly open as hunsecker bursts into the room. he looks swiftly around, advances towards the open window. exasperated by the sound of the gramaphone, he switches it off; he steps out onto the terrace. camera pans with him as he turns to look back into the study where susan's inanimate figure is sprawled on the floor, half across the low upholstered footstool. sidney, white and shaking, is standing over her. a close shot. she raises her head higher, still weakly. we see in her face a mixture of terror and hope. she braces herself to tell him: she completes her simple packing, closing the suitcase. with a gesture that is obviously automatic, she starts to put on the fur coat; then she halts, realizing what she is doing. she pauses; camera moves closer. now, deliberately she throws the coat back on the bed. camera pans down with the gesture. she looks down at the coat, the discarded symbol of her dependence upon her brother. camera pulls back again as she takes a quick look round, then goes to take a duffle coat from the wardrobe. she throws this over her arm, picks up the suitcase, goes to the door.