don't you ever get messages, eyelashes? i called you twice. i don't think so. sidney, can i talk to you a minute? at the bar - sidney. locating sidney, she comes up behind him. he turns away from d'angelo as she whispers to him. as she departs, sidney turns back. no. that's what i mean - i'm being fired for what i didn't do. he came in last week on a very dull rainy night. i know who he was, but i didn't let on. he didn't take his eyes off me all night. listening? staring. consequently, when he approached me on his way out i wasn't surprised, but i didn't let on. cigarette girls. and naturally - in his apartment - i don't know - it's a big apartment. but i wasn't interviewed. in fact, i was totally unprepared for what happened. but, sidney darling, the man must be out of his mind - it was only eleven o'clock in the morning! for a moment i was so taken aback that i said anything that popped into my sleepy head. if i'm not mistaken, i even ordered the man out of his own house. he was furious and, by the time i could have put on a tropical island mood, i was out on the street!. that night mr. van cleve calls me into his office here. he's got nothing against me, he says but he can't afford to antagonize columnists. i told him i still have sonny at military academy, but van cleve's made of ice. do you think you could do something, sidney? do you still keep your key under the mat? hi! this new arrival gets a dismal reaction from the girl. hello. back? hold on. you can drop me off on your way. yeah. otis elwell. the columnist. and he's a perfect stranger to me. what do you want all of a sudden - lady godiva? where's my other shoe? don't you think i have any feelings? what am i? a bowl of fruit? a tangerine that peels in a minute? sidney. i. i don't do this sort of thing. this sort of thing! you're a snake, falco. you're a louse, a real louse. a girl needs a little romancing before she - what would you think of me if - - that's what i mean! here's mud in your column! palm springs. two years ago. don't tell sidney.