just a minute, mr. weldon. i think. i'm sorry. i thought that was mr. falco returning. yes, i'll tell him when he comes in. i know he's been trying to reach you. that's the third time he's called today. no, an arm, he said. i told him you were sure the item would be in mr. hunsecker's column in tomorrow's. but. that makes five days in a row that mr. hunsecker's cut you out of his column. the renting agent and the tailor. it won't leave much of a balance in the bank. mr. robard? could you locate him? i wish i could help in some way, sidney. i hate to see you like this -- sidney, i know you by now. don't do a dance with me. sidney, please, dear, if you feel nervous. sid. you got me so. i don't know what. i'm used to you. take a top coat. sidney falco office. oh, miss kay, he tried to reach you. no, he's at the barbers now. no, that's held over till the tuesday column. her face shows that sidney is right. sally is deeply hurt, disillusioned. nothing. yes. i know you do, sidney. i'm not judging. i swear, sidney, i can't help it - sometimes i wonder what i see in you. or what you see in me, for that matter. if you want me to - what are you going to do?