err. the supreme court story, i was telling you - justice black. and i believe that's precisely where i read it, too. you see, j.j., where i get my reputation for being the best-informed man in washington. i don't think we caught your name, young man. every four years i get less convinced of that. this young lady is miss linda james. she's managed by manny davis. why? are you an actor, mr. falco? may i ask a naive question, mr. falco? exactly how does a press agent work? but don't you help columnists by furnishing them with items? now, come, j.j., that's a little too harsh. anyone seems fair game for you tonight. he finds hunsecker's manner disturbing, but addresses him frontally. there is some allusion here that escapes me. why does everything you say sound like a threat? thank you, j.j., for what i consider sound advice.