well, we just sort of got together. maybe if you ask mr. katz. he writes the stuff, you know. his reaction betrays some emotion. steve moves a quick step towards the door to the courtyard, then hesitates - almost as if he was afraid to go out. he meets chico's eye again. what did she say? a close shot. in his expression we read his mute inquiry. this is big, you know. very big! let's go out later, drink some firewater. with the boys. fred can call millie and - his sobering reaction shows this is something important. you haven't told him yet. he isn't going to like it. you sure you don't want me to be with you? but he isn't going to like this, susie. and he makes you nervous, not me. no, i take that back - he makes me nervous, too. but i wouldn't give him a second thought if not for you. his stooge, falco, is around - i saw him walk in. he's been spying on me for weeks, susie. but he could be reporting back to your brother, couldn't he? i have a message for you; i love you. may i dedicate the next number to you?. and the next, and the next. every sunday i'll buy you a new bonnet - and on monday, i'll take it off and stroke your light brown hair and - how do you think i realized i love you? no, you had me eating that chinese food!. well, thanks, anyway - let's forget it. it's cold out here, susie. i get the feeling, falco, that you're always snooping around. i'm feeling too good to fight with you, but that isn't what i said - i said you snoop. for instance, what were you doing around my hotel the other night? the next time you want information, falco, don't scratch for it like a dog - ask for it like a man! just a minute, chico. just so you don't leave me in a minor key. frank, i don't want any secrets from you. i proposed to susie tonight. you don't like it, do you. i think she will accept, but i'm not sure. she may be too dependent on her brother. you read as you run, don't you? frank thinks i shouldn't have come here - i thought you might have a faint idea of how this item originated. why not you? only two men in this town could be responsible for that smear - you or hunsecker or both. it is a favor, isn't it? you're talking very fast. don't apologize for me, frank! i want to speak to miss hunsecker, please. sidney's reaction to the mention of susan's name gives steve food for thought. while he waits for susan to be summoned to the phone, he studies sidney. i'm the boyfriend, remember? i hope one day she'll be my wife. this is steve, susie. don't be alarmed, susie, but i want you to look at elwell's column in the record. today. no, about me. we're on our way to the elysian room to dicker with van cleve - he's fired us already. i'll call you later, dear. 'bye!. come on, frank. i still think he's responsible for the smear. i guess you're right, but - he is looking through the glass doors of the tv theatre, no longer listening to d'angelo's words; his face has hardened in anger. he breaks the rhythm of his stride, his face rigid. you've been very kind about it, mr. hunsecker. mr. hunsecker, there's nothing to that smear. you have my sincere word. no, i wouldn't. don't you think it's about time you shut yours? who are you to tell a man like frank d'angelo to shut up?! does he have to be here in our hair? is it news to you? nuts! i'm not here as an artist! i'm here as an average joe, who happens to love your sister susie! no punch line. maybe i was just admiring your know-how---yours and falco's. he's here, isn't he? do you think, sir, when he dies he'll go to the dog and cat heaven? i don't take kindly to you and falco selling me ethics. who's the injured party here, you? wait a minute, i haven't handed over punishing privileges to you yet! put the whip down and i might respect what you're saying. mr. hunsecker, you've got more twists than a barrel of pretzels. i'm afraid i can't cope with them. you're too shrewd for me so i'll just be honest. susie and i love each other, if i'm not mistaken, and we want to get married. why don't we hear what susie has to say? susie? those "dears" sound like daggers. may i suggest that you stop daring her to speak? i'm trying to get susie to stand up to you. but your manner is so threatening that she's afraid to speak! no, i don't care about you -- you're fantastic. my whole interest, if it's not too late, is in susie. and how to undo what you've done to her. why? because i don't like the way you toy with human lives? - your contempt and malice? because i won't be the accomplice of your sick ego - and the way it's crippled susie? you think of yourself - you and your column - you see yourself as a national glory. but to me, and thousands of others like me, you and your slimy scandal, your phony patriotics - to me, mr. hunsecker, you are a national disgrace! but my day with susie isn't over yet and-- she'll be down in a minute. she didn't say. i doubt that it matters any more. why did you call me? sure. we're on our way to robard's for a benefit. i've only got five minutes. just two cups of java. make it moke. well, maybe i was wrong, too. but there's no doubt, susie, that we have to face some serious things. but you didn't do much about it, susie. you walked out, and there i was. solo. and not too good at that. susie, i was there for our sake, too. but what a world it would be if we were all afraid to learn to walk and talk because it might offend poppa! by the way, i think your brother was completely responsible for the smears. but i don't care about that now. he knew what he was doing today. he was laying down the conditions under which he might consent to our marriage - if i would bend to every whim of his, like sidney! i couldn't do that, susie. no! i'm saying that for your sake you have to make a clean break with your brother! i told your brother i couldn't be his accomplice. i can't be yours either, susie, and encourage him to go on pulverizing you. i know what type - he's my old man all over again! this beautiful coat is more than just a coat. i hate it! it's a mink straight-jacket! not what you're doing now. at least don't ask me - don't ask him. you're fighting for your life! what do you want to do? he reacts vigorously, protesting: that's fish four days old! i can't buy it, susie! right out of that mouth i love, like you're a ventriloquist's dummy, your brother is saying goodbye! gee!. you want me to be honest, don't you?! look back, frank, see if she's still standing there. frank, i don't want to make the benefit. they'll be jammin' all night, and the way i feel -- i'd like to be alone -- i'd like just to walk and walk and never come back. he responds to the ovation, nicely but a little wearily. he gets down off the stand. there is too much noise to hear his parting words to his fellow musicians, but it is clear that he is urging them to stay without him. he walks off towards the entrance to the club. i like it that way, frank. don't change.