you don't call. right. right. the only difference between giving up and not giving up is if you take her back when she wants to come back. see, you can't do anything to make her want to come back. you can only do things to make her not want to come back. right. it sucks. right. or more likely the opposite. i mean first you'll pretend not to care, not call - whatever, and then, eventually, you really won't care. ah, see, that's the thing. somehow they don't come back until you really don't care anymore. there's the rub. hey man, don't sweat it. no problem. thanks. thanks, man. i don't think i'm gonna take it. i mean, i need the money. it's definitely a step back for me. there's just something about being "goofy". any other disney character would be fine. there's just this stigma associated with the character. do you realize how hard it's going to be to tell my parents? i still haven't told them i didn't get the pilot. it's like "hi, mom. i'm not going to be starring in that sit-com and, oh by the way, i'm goofy. send more money." i didn't want to say anything. i don't know. it's like not talking to a pitcher in the midst of a no hitter. kinda. oh no? well, until now. tend the pin. i do. good for you, man. good to hear, mikey. i shouldn't, mike, it's a weeknight. sure. kick me when i'm down. how many strokes? i'll give you an eight. an eight. you better replace the pin, chi-chi. the natives look restless. so, if the party starts at eight, why are we first going to a bar at ten? oh. where is this place? that doesn't sound too good for business. sounds more like aids. classy. bud. i can't get over how cute the girls in this city are. darwinism at its best. it's like, every day i see a beautiful woman. i'm not used to that. i'm used to seeing a beautiful woman, i don't know, once a week. i can't handle it. i can't wait till i actually get to touch one of them. there's the rub. my pleasure. i just tested for one. i haven't heard an official "no" yet. no. i'm considering taking a job as a "goofy". through the basement of that restaurant. four days? which one? what's the big deal? everyone steals from everyone. what's that guy's name? sue? oh, like that song. him? it's unbelievable. you're a better man than i am, charlie brown. go for it, man. i'll be your winger. shaqed. "business class"? i mean, does it have to be "goofy"? i was playing hamlet off-broadway two months ago, for crying out loud. yeah, i gotta be up early tomorrow. no problem, buddy. you eat anything today? yesterday? you haven't been drinking, have you? don't sweat it. now i got an l.a. gun story. you should hear the way i tell to the guys back home. he had an uzi. you want to talk about it? it's been two days. you should call that girl nikki. oh boy. she wasn't your type anyway. well, that's dumb. well, you're doing so well. at least you didn't get turned down for goofy. they went for someone with more theme park experience. i woulda killed for that job. see, it's all how you look at it. if your life sucks, then mine is god awful. i mean, i moved out here partially because i saw how well you were doing. you got in the union, you got an agent. i thought if you could make it, maybe i could too. that's your problem, man. you can't see what you've got, only what you've lost. those guys are right. you are "money". because you left, man. she's got her own world to deal with in new york. she was a sweet girl but fuck her. you gotta move on. you gotta let go of the past. the future is so beautiful. every day is so sunny out here. it's like manifest destiny man. i mean, we made it. what's past is prologue. that which does not kill us makes us stronger. all that shit. you'll get over it. sometimes is still hurts. you know how it is, man. i mean, each day you think about it less and less. and then one day you wake up and you don't think of it at all, and you almost miss that feeling. it's kinda weird. you miss the pain because it was part of your life for so long. and the, boom, something reminds you of her, and you just smile that bittersweet smile. for the same reason you miss her. you lived with it so long. sure. by the way, the guys back home said she put on some weight.