bitch. you little bitch! you little bitch! that's so bullshit. this is so bullshit. hey, man. i took the kings to the cup. they're a finesse team. fuck!!! that is so bullshit! hello? shit! yeah. the elevator doesn't work. it's pink dot. buzz him in - hit nine. i don't know. i guess kids were hitting each other or something. yeah. if you hit them hard their heads bleed all over the ice and their legs convulse. it's kinda money, actually. no, man, we're in the play-offs. pause it. you bitch! is he brown? gimme my reds. i've been jonesing for an hour. which means no one will get there 'til ten. what's he do? how novel. i don't know about four days. not as money as the shot from reservoir dogs. in the beginning. when they're walking in slow motion. he's derivative. damned if i know. it's on. no. no. no! she's not looking at you. she hasn't looked at you once. will you stop asking if. wait, she just looked. yes she did. how's it going for you two? rejected? well, just watch the t-bone and learn. here comes the kill. that was pretty cold, dude. big butt. you know, can't fly coach. yeah. this place is dead, anyway. you think? double diamond. true. she was cute. you are so money, and you don't even know it. we're not. and big fuckin' teeth. shivering. you're just poking at it. and you got big claws and fangs. you're like a big bear. honestly. you're so fuckin mmmoney. you're money. tomorrow, then a day. definitely. two days. that's the industry standard. yeah. but two's enough not to look anxious. don't listen to him. you call whenever it feels right to you. watch where you're going, asshole. i said watch where you're going, bitch! now what, bitch? now who's the bitch, bitch? he's a bitch. he ain't gonna do nothing. what'd you want me to do? back down? he called me a bitch. we kept our rep. hey, man, you're not from here. you don't know how it is. i grew up in whatever. things are different here. it's not like new york, mikey. people get carjacked. listen. just because i was the only one with the balls to stand up to them. what about you, mikey? at least i got balls. you're always whining about some bitch who dumped you a year ago. whatever. you're like a whining little woman. big deal. you got a fuckin' number. whoopee! you'll fuck it up. have you gotten laid once since you moved here? did you fuck once? i know for a fact you haven't, because you never shut up about it. your like a little whiney bitch. bitch! you little bitch! trent. take over. i'm so sorry, man. you were so right. i got rid of the gun we ran into them that night at roscoe's. tee cleared it up, i apologized, bought them some chicken and waffles. they fuckin love tee. that boy can talk. but most important, man, i'm sorry about what i said. i was drunk. my adrenaline was going. thanks, man. i've been hating myself for the last two days. it's on. it's definitely on. it is on. sorry man. definitely. good for you, man. he's being smart. be smart about it. you don't have to wait three days. just be smart about it. well, then, i guess we don't have to worry about him anymore.