hello, stanley. i'm ginger. for someone the n.s.a. has listed as the most dangerous hacker in america, you sure don't look like much. don't look so surprised. i know everything there is to know about you, stan. from your mom's maiden name to how big your. bank account is. boys like me. did i say i was selling something? i'm here to help you, stan. look at you, you're a mess. my employer wants to meet you. you're not very good at this, are you? can i see that? you need to straighten your left arm. you're bending it. trust me. this is not a nice place you have here, stanley. i've only been here a few minutes and i'm already starting to feel sorry for myself. stanley, think about it, they still teach your techniques at i'm not here to suck your dick, stanley, you can sit around doing the martyr thing as long as you like. he'll pay you just to meet you. oh that's right, and fine work it is, too. stanley. have you spoken to holly lately? shit. hello, stanley. let's cut through the bullshit, stan. if you ever want to have a chance in hell of getting your daughter back you'll shut up and listen. unless of course you want to stay here in your pathetic, loser life while she learns what it's like to be a fluffer in one of her new daddy's videos. look at your situation, stanley. for twenty months you've been in court six times, each time your custody case has been thrown out. your situation doesn't look good, sweetheart. how much would it cost to retain the best family lawyer in the country and regain custody of your daughter? yeah. this should get you started. whattaya have to lose? just meet him. one time. that's it. you don't like the setup, walk away. that's it. and you keep the money. i wish you'd let me buy you a suit. you have no self-esteem, stanley. miss me? gabriel, stanley. stanley, gabriel. relax, stanley. you can do this. i want to help you. it was just a test, stan, you passed. i thought you were here saving your daughter, stanley. back to court? back to melissa's gladiators? you throw a hundred grand at her, she'll throw five back at you. it's not about holly, it's about beating you. you know that. think, stanley. sorry. so, let me sum it up for you, stanley. you live in a trailer. you're a felon, working a dead- end job. you want to get holly back, gabriel's your only shot. no, you didn't. you didn't have time. uh uh. mozart always said he didn't write music; he just wrote down what he heard in his head. so did faulkner, just with words. c'mon, stan. let's get to work. it won't bite you, i promise. well, let's put a gun to your head. tell me about your worm, stanley. you surprised that a girl with real breasts and an i.q. over 70 can give you a hard-on? i am not what you think i am. you're a smart guy, stanley. you figure me out. don't you have that just-fucked- the-neighbor's-cat look this morning. problem? i thought we went over all that last night. ohhh. look, no pictures. get out of my light. if you're going to see your daughter, you might want to reevaluate the way you look. just a thought. i'm thinking. what are you doing here, stanley? what happened to you? i can't tell you. think, stanley. he'll kill me. -- stanley -- -- stanley -- i'm d.e.a., stanley. i'm a friendly girl. miss me? he's fucking amazing. stanley? you alright? i won't let anything happen to you, stanley. you have to trust me. stanley, if we don't find out who he's working for then we're just going to have to do this all over again. i've been working on this thing for eight months, and i will not let some jarhead fed fuck up my operation. please, i know what i'm doing. c'mon, stanley. you have twelve hours. do what he wants. finish the worm. i'm d.e.a., stanley. trust me. you don't seem that upset. istanbul? what's in istanbul? huh?