hello. stanley. why are you calling here? it's. it's twelve-thirty, stanley. she's in school. you know it's illegal for you to talk to her. how the hell would you know what is or isn't good for my daughter? you've spent the last two years in prison. stop calling me that, stanley. well, she doesn't want to see you, stanley, and i swear to fucking god, if you contact her, i'll have larry's attorney throw you into a hole so deep and dark it'll make leavenworth seem like two weeks in vegas; during which i'll personally pay two ball-busting skin-heads to -- i will not let myself be manipulated by you, stanley. larry's her father now. larry's a film financier, a good husband, and an astute businessman. what films he's involved in are a function of profitability and none of your business. get help, stanley, get into a program, get a therapist, get a dog, but whatever you do, stay away from my child. she will never be your child. you'll never have the kind of money to match larry's lawyers in court. forget holly.