we have him yet? we have a problem -- -- seems you have gotten yourself in a predicament. transfer the pictures. goddamn right i did. you know where i got that? from the deputy director of the f.b.i. he thought i might be interested. we are aborting the operation and securing alternative means of finance elsewhere. we are aborting this operation. take a vacation. that's not the point. you understand what you are saying? do it. terminate the vortex. excuse us. son, let's say you have a 200- pound rottweiler. he loves you, and it's his job to protect you. but if he ever bites you, even once, you gotta put him down. you can't have an uncontrollable weapon running unchecked in your back yard. he becomes a liability. you never know who he might bite next. that's right. you did this to yourself. the f.b.i. was watching you -- that's why we're here. you are too arrogant, too aggressive -- and what are you going to do with that?