in fact, you're very bright, hazel. and i love your eyes. oh, am i? oh, do you? oh, darling! i don't know.come on, it's a party. i don't know. bothered?what does bothered mean? it's's cashmere. so very soft. you must feel it. hazel holds her arm out. caden touches it. um . i'm won't let you off the hook by saying "never mind" this time. um, okay. please, hazel, let on your knees. me -- i don't know. i'm sorry. what? no, of course. it was nice take care. seeing you. caden and claire go to caden's booth. ah. congratulations. yeah. thanks. thanks. i know.are you at your mom's? i'm sorry. what are you sorry about? hazel. what? stop, okay. just stop. i don't like tammy and she's nothing like me. how can you like her? joe abernathy.