willy, you coming up!!!! willy? tom climbs in the car. willy! why? what happened? you didn't smash the car, did you? don't you feel well? where were you all day? you look terrible. what? ugh, i hated myself tonight. plus i'm so bloated and enormous. i just want to thank you for everything. you've been absolutely brilliant and it's going to be miserable going ahead without you. god, i'm such a baby. she just looks at him and smiles and nods. i'm going to get drunk, that's what. what are you going to do now? i wish i was your wife or a wife or had a wife. or was german even. i'm so lonely with none of those things. a man walks in with a bunch of newspapers. i'll be with you in a minute. go on, charley. i want to, just a minute. the other characters exit the stage. you're going to be fine, sweetie. it's brilliant. it's brilliant. it's everything. it's karamazov. hello? hi! here you are, on my phone! yeah! yeah yeah yeah! hi! of course. hazel. i knew that! duh! the box office. how are you? fine, thanks. i was supposed to meet caden here. you know mr. cotard, right? that was awkward. let's talk about our project. i'm so excited about it. i just think it's. brave. i feel like i'm going to be part of a revolution. i keep thinking artaud. i keep thinking krapp's last tape. grotowski, for christ's sake! theater can we take as a country? y'know? knowing that you don't know is the first and most essential step to knowing. y'know? so tell me what you want from me? from my character. that hazel girl is kind of interesting, maybe. as a model. poor darling. it's fine. my mother died last night. ugh, i couldn't deal with my sisters. it's like living in a heironymous bosch painting. oh, this is me. no, it's okay. she fell. slipped in her bathroom. hit her head. it actually split in half. horrible. they stop at a small hatchback with a cow painted on it. yes. well, it was nice meeting you. did i say "meeting"? ugh, i'm such an idiot. y'know. like "meet"? to meet? it's okay. it's life. it's -- claire's face contorts into a horrifying, paralyzed grimace. sometimes when i cry, i watch myself so i can remember how it looks for future roles. it's horrible. i hate myself. i used to be a baby. i was a baby girl with hair of spun gold, the prettiest baby anyone had ever seen. one day the townsfolk, who were jealous of my beauty, decided to steal me away. it was a bearded old man. caden can hold out no longer. he kisses her. they fall back on the bed. he kisses her all over as she continues to tell the story. her voice becomes irresistibly melodious. he said to me, "young lady, i have in my satchel a ring. whomever possesses it will receive all the magic of the woodland sprites." he said, "there is one more thing. you must never tell anyone what you promised me. if you do, you will die." so i used my new power to kill all the townsfolk. horrible, humiliating deaths. i was reunited with my family. and i lived happily ever after, doing only good with my new powers. caden cries and rests his head on her thigh. why are you crying, honey? it's okay. we'll be fine. you're with me now. we'll be good. davis, i'll start with you. there's a difference between favoring me and pretending we've never met. i mean, we had ariel, i think people know we've fucked. she's 36. works in a theater box office. she had acting aspirations but lacked the confidence to pursue them. her life is passing by. she is alone. she's old and ugly -- sacred ground? i suppose not. she is limited. okay. there's this single mother who lives downstairs. i find her really deep and sad. i'm 42. i have a small child and no husband. i work long hours as a cashier at a mini-mart. sometimes i worry my child will not even recognize me when i come home -- claire cries like she did when her mother died. ariel cries. check on her. please, sweetie. i'm arriving at something. your daughter is right here. please don't do this to us. everyone's tattooed! everyone's tattooed. please. daddy doesn't live with us anymore, baby. he had to find himself. claire shoots daggers at caden and goes back to ironing. nearby, tom and davis rehearse their scene in another "apartment." yes? i just want you to love us. caden hugs her. ariel hugs caden's good leg. it's 3:30. for crying out fuck. caden answers the phone. oh, baby. it's okay, baby. it's going to be okay. let me make you feel better. claire begins kissing her way down caden's chest. the cry of the north american caden. i'll save my sympathy for the eighty million people with avian flu, the tsunami victims in puerto rico, the countless millennia dead from. how fucked it all is. i care every day about things! i care about us! . y'know?! i don't know what it means. i'm not sure. sammy jots something in his book. i'm going to work in my journal. you guys need anything? yeah? that was a fun play. emotionally tough, but fucking fulfilling. and i loved working with so many strong female actresses. ugh, lorca's a genius. okay. i'm going to start thinking about myself. claire exits. all night? you smell weird. are you wearing lipstick? i don't know. like mold? i don't know. like mold and . cleaning products? like you're menstruating? i don't know! i don't like that guy you got to play you. i think you need to fire him. caden hands her a scrap of paper. oh, fuck you. i'm forty-five years old. i don't want to do this shit anymore. he's coming on to me. he's feeling my ass during rehearsal. he's not my godamn husband! you are! what is wrong with you? the actor underneath them pounds on his ceiling. ugh! i'm going to rehearsal. she grabs her coat, tosses the note into the trash, and storms out and down the stairs. caden, what are you doing at night? i have a right to fucking know. do you know what i've given up for you? for this. for you. for you. get the door. please. just. sammy opens it. tammy, playing hazel, stands there. maybe you can clean her toilet. it's over, caden. i'm not talking to you. claire turns to caden. but you thought it. there's a silence. hazel watches caden closely. i got an offer to do needleman in a haystack and i'm going to take it. i want you out of the apartment. the real one. you can keep this one. claire heads down the stairs. oh, needleman, you had such potential. but i㬄m afraid i㬄m going to have to move on. i㬄m not a chance-giving girl. i㬄m a fun-loving girl. remember? my analyst says you have complexes. that㬄s before my analyst taught me that my enjoyment of them was a sign of my suppressed non- enjoymnent of them. she told me your hatred of her is a sign of your latent homosexuality.