touched by the sadness of adele's neighbor. so close to death. reminds me of granny. i should really call her. remember how granny bascomb bounced me on her knee pretending to be a horsie. i loved that so much. say thank you to adele's neighbor. now say, have a very good day. miss him. why did he have to get bored with me? everyone gets bored with me. i'm not very bright. and since i put on that weight, i don't get the looks i used to. it's not that bad. lots of people have it worse. i've got a job and place to stay. adele is nice to me. and so smart and talented. i don't understand her artwork, but that's just me. i wish i'd gone to college. i feel stupid around educated people like adele. eric was too smart for me, too. we didn't talk at all near the end. i'd try to tell him about my day and he'd get this far away look in his eyes. i kind of felt sorry for him; he seemed so miserable with me. i guess -- caden drifts off to sleep. my period is late this month. i wonder what's going on. i'm bloated. i wish it would come. i can't believe she said that to him! she's a slut, anyway. he sticks a bookmark in the book, puts it on the night table, turns off the light, and lies on his back with his eyes open. maybe i can ask adele for a raise. it's been three years. i do a good job. god, i'm so tired tonight. i'm getting old. i'm lonely here. get up. look at the night table for a note from adele. caden gets up and glances at the night table. a type-written look shocked. weep. caden looks shocked, then weeps. go into the kitchen and -- the voice stops. caden stops. he waits. nothing. he takes out the earpiece and looks at it, shakes it, then slips it back in his ear. nothing. he waits. in the distance he hears wailing and gun shots.