i played egga the cleaning lady in hedda gabler at the roundabout.
glad to be weirdly close. millicent and caden study each other.
shit. line, please.
right. what?
ok. thank you. old person #2 looks back to old person #1, whose nose has started to bleed.
wrong key.
it㬄s the wrong key. it doesn㬄t turn.
caden, you㬄re breaking the fourth wall. i get to open the door. he tries to turn the key in the lock. it won㬄t budge.
i.  i'd very much like to play caden.
i know it would be non-traditional casting, but i think i'm right for it. i think i understand caden.
caden cotard is a man already dead, living in a half-world between stasis and antistasis. time is concentrated and chronology confused for him. up until recently he has strived valiantly to make sense of his situation, but now he has turned to stone.
i'd like that.
yes, you are.
this is tedious. this is nothing. millicent touches tammy's hand, heads over to the funeral scene. she whispers things to some actors, has longer conversations with others.
okay, folks, let's run it! the scene comes alive with specific activity: weeping hazel, a little boy in the back playing with dirt clods, a man and a woman eyeing each other flirtatiously from a distance, an old woman with parkinson's fiddling with rosary beads, a well- dressed woman squatting and peeing near a gravesite. a minister addresses the mourners.
oh. i.  could take over.  as you.  for a bit. until you feel refreshed.
well, ellen needs to be filled.