i've been following you for twenty years. so i knew about this audition. because i follow you. caden, hiding is nervousness, nods. i've learned everything about you by following you. hire me and you will see who you truly are. caden stares at sammy. sammy stares back. there's fear in caden's eyes but he doesn't drop his gaze. peek-a-boo. sammy transforms effortlessly into caden. okay, hazel, i don't think we need to talk to anyone else. this guy has me down. i'm going to cast him right now. then maybe you and i can get a drink and we can try to figure out this thing between us. why i cried. i've never felt about anyone the way i feel about you. i want to fuck you until we merge into a chimera. a mythical beast with penis and vagina eternally fused, two pair of eyes that look only at each other, lips ever touching and one voice that whispers to itself. i've never seen your shit gray. i know it's pill time. you don't need to hide from me. caden opens his pack and pulls out a baggie full of pills. he takes them, one-by-one. sammy watches and counts. when it's over, he speaks. you're missing your fosonex. fosonex, 2.5 mg. caden picks the pill up off the floor. it's got grime on it. swallow it anyway. it's important. go on, sweetie. caden looks at sammy and swallows the pill. good boy. it'd be my honor to play your husband, claire. you're an amazing actress. i saw you in bernarda alba last year at the roundabout. start, huh? caden chuckles. amazing artist though. the best living artist. there's no one who stares the truth in the face like she does. a sweet pussy, too. caden looks at sammy, confused. oh. i read it. maybe she's got a sublet in new york. maybe the met's doing a retrospective. maybe, baby. he hands caden a slip of paper. i want to follow you there and see how you lose even more of yourself. research. for the part. partner. you don't like sammy? why? i think he's good. i'm not firing him, claire. he's the best thing in the show. next to you. he's your husband. claire turns to the real caden and screams. caden, time out? i've been going to adele's place. and cleaning it. long pause. caden rubs his eyes. what's going on, hazel? maybe i will. claire, no. morning, haze. okay. yours? sorry. everybody here? sammy likes you. caden looks at hazel. she nods. hazel, could you get everyone situated? i need to speak to will about some new sets. sammy pulls some polaroids out of his backpack. hi, caden. i'm being you. you like hazel; i like hazel. jeremy is playing to us. tell him he simply needs to talk to donna. we'll hear what we hear. tammy takes down the note. this is where we part ways. this is authentic. this is what the real caden would do. this is what real love looks like. sammy leaps. the actors below scatter. sammy hits hard, breaks through the fake cement, and is dead. blood everywhere.