uh-oh. this looks serious. am i interrupting? just wanted to tell you the girl playing me is able to start today. okay. i'll take that as my cue. tammy closes the door and leaves. hi, caden. how was your night? eh. philip was colicky. i was up all night. caden looks over at hazel for confirmation. she nods, slightly freaked out. sammy's not here. jimmy called and said there's some subway problem. jimmy rushes into the warehouse. hi, sammy. yeah. we'll take it from june 9th? sammy nods, heads toward the set designer's office. i don't know what he looks like. probably wasn't him then. it's okay. she's going to dinner with sammy. don't forget your phone. every girl wants to be an actress. i did. so i figure everyone does. who? where will you sleep? don't you want to sleep with me? i get undressed every day. i don't see why. i suppose it might. do you want to fuck? it'd be fine. caden starts to cry. yeah, i mean, i don't know. i feel okay mostly. fucking might help. it's okay. i don't mind. take your clothes off. thanks. you wish you were a chick? interesting. it's kind of a drag in a lot of ways. you like guys? well, i'm getting cold. she climbs into bed. take off your clothes. caden does, awkwardly and shyly. he then stands there naked. tammy smiles sweetly at him. pretty caden. come to bed, pretty caden. caden turns off the lights and climbs into the twin bed with tammy. she looks at his face, then kisses him. what is attractive? how are attractive people treated, how do they feel? how do unattractive people feel, how are they treated? how do attractive people feel about unattractive people, how do unattractive people feel about attractive people? how do unattractive people feel about other unattractive people? how do attractive people feel about other attractive people? how do unattractive men feel about unattractive women? how do unattractive men feel about attractive women? how do attractive men feel about unattractive women? how do attractive women feel about unattractive men? how do old people feel about attractive people? how do attractive people feel about old people? this is my study. caden slows down. huh. do you think we should have a hazel's house on the set for me? it would be verisimilitudinous. it would be very verisimilitudinous if you could. my house! tammy kisses caden on the cheek and runs into the house. caden? can we stop for a second? if hazel's in love with sammy and caden's in love with hazel, there would be a dramatic confrontation, where caden turns to me and says, "it's obvious he's a substitute for me." i think then hazel could have a good moment where she cries or gets angry. i'm not sure which yet, but it feels dramatically sound. i think hazel would do that, hazel. come over tonight? please? i'm hot. he's directing.