we must live in the present moment. the now. the now. the now. caden tries to be in the present moment as a women sings about gingivitis on a small stage in the back. now. now. now! be here now! deer diry. thank you for being my new best frend. my name is olive cotard. i am for yers old. i like choclit and -- -- my favorite color is pink. dear diary. germany is wonderful! so many friends here. my new dads are great and handsome. and brilliant directors of theater. caden grimaces in pain for a moment. his mouth bleeds. he dials the phone. redundancy is fluid. life moves to the south. there is only the now. i offer my flower to you and you deny it. this book is over. he turns the page. blank. the rest of the book is blank. he looks over at madeline. she is watching a movie.