put your hands on the wall. asher jams a gun in costa's back. costa is very scared. feel that? i should blow your spine out. my face is everywhere. i have to hide in the shadows like a fucking animal because of you. we're moved past sorry. you ruined everything. john, soon to be dead, costa. asher's eyes flash. wham! asher slams costa's face into the mirror. costa's nose bleeds. out of my way! pop! asher shoots a window, shattering it. he shoulders his way through the safety glass. grace and laval follow. you're driving. let's go. go! costa hits the gas and pulls out. jesus, he was a cop. he's dead because of you, because you made the choice. the choice to fuck with me. that, john, was a very bad choice. a t intersection ahead. left. costa makes the turn. it leads to a highway. you're dead, john costa. you fucked with the wrong man, shitsmear. costa is shaking, looks in the rearview. asher rips the rearview off the windshield. faster, asshole. shut up. faster. costa pulls onto the highway, buckles his safety belt. asher scoffs at the gesture, then does likewise. give me your wallet. give it over. right now. costa does. asher looks through it, pockets it. costa tries to focus on driving. you're goddamn right i am. i've been dreaming about it, john. pass the truck, john. before i blow your head off! there. turn there. a hard-to-see side road. costa jams the brakes to make the turn. asher slaps him. careful. yes i do. john, do you have any idea how many people i have killed? it's always been business. this time is personal. shut up. art man. you are stupid or crazy or both. will you drive faster? i'll shoot you in the thigh. will that get your attention. costa speeds up. i am not martin. there is no martin. nothing. and everything. this is deeper than money. shut up. talk is done. talk is over. understand that. you are over. just shut the fuck up. asher lights a cigarette. a sharp turn ahead. costa speeding up. who the fuck is martin? costa sets his brow in determination; he is driving straight at a large tree. asher reacts. costa jams his thumb into the release button of asher's seatbelt. asher angrily pulls the trigger of his pistol. she screwed it up, didn't she? i should have cut her throat when i saw her on the ferry. that's the least she deserves. please don't do anything, grace. it would hurt me so much if i had to hurt you. hello, mother. asher forces his way inside. mrs. asher screams. what happened to rex? he was a real dog, right, mom? rolls up his sleeve, revealing the dog bite scars. i'll stand if i want to stand. i can do anything i want to do. and i've done some great things, mother. i'm not a scared little boy you can push around anymore. i'm sorry. i'm sorry you lost your job. a beat. grace grabs the big .45 by her thigh. hello? i miss you. hi, grace. click! he snaps a handcuff around grace's wrist. asher has the upper hand, he spins her, pulls her down into a chair. she throws a punch. asher blocks it. asher yanks on her cuffed arm. smack! grace slaps him. asher pulls her into a chair. click! grace is now cuffed to the chair. she struggles futilely against the cuffs. asher catches his breath. knock it off. you're not going anywhere. grace stop struggling. asher looking at her huge belly. i'm not going to hurt you. they're contacts. you're glowing. grace looking at him. still astonished to see him. her arms behind her back, her belly is so vulnerable. you told me everything i had to know. ever since i met you, you're all i can think about. i had a way of life. and i can't go back to because of you. i want you in my life, grace. please listen to me, grace. i have a proposal. asher takes out a couple passports, a pair of driver's licenses. you become her. i become him. we are married, see? asher slides a woman's wedding ring across the table. already inscribed. we have the babies. we raise them. however you want. i just want to be with you. grace looking at asher, not sure whether to laugh out loud or start crying. he seems edgy; he needs her decision quick. grace, don't be morbid. if anyone can deal with this, you can. i know you felt what i felt. it's real. i'll shoot you in the head and burn this place down. grace reacts. she can respect that. grace looking at asher. he's scary, feeding off some fantasy about her. i searched everything. asher stands, reaches for the glock on the counter. grace can't let him get it. she lunges at asher, collides into his knees, hurting him. damn you! asher grabs a large knife from the butcher's block. thwack! plunges it into grace's belly. grace gasps, looking at the knife embedded in her stomach. a beat as grace and asher stare at the knife. grace uses the pause to kick away from asher. she gets on her feet and runs from the kitchen. keep fucking running, grace, you're only going to die tired! shit! asher kicks the knife from her hand. then kicks her in the face. he tries to kick her again but she grabs his leg. wham! asher slips, hits the ice hard. grace is on top of him, wraps the handcuffs around his neck. wraps her legs around his body. grace chokes asher for all he's worth. his eyes bulge, his face reddens as he meets the same fate as his victims. asher has a seizure as his oxygen depleted brain dies. grace doesn't let go. a long death embrace. finally, when she is sure, grace releases from martin asher's body. she checks his pulse. he's dead. grace stands. the rain falling on her. ice and moonlight. grace spits blood, looks around. looks at asher's corpse.