i'd say you're right. postmortem scavenger damage to c-1. the medical examiner examines the skull's teeth. the victim was afraid of dentists. bad teeth. inspectors laval and reynaud enter. both give grace wary nods. inspector laval hands the medical examiner a paper bag marked human remains. look at this. grace crosses, grins. grace studies the cord, noting the intricate knots. fell out of his t-shirt when i removed the clothing. it doesn't fit the victim. west vancouver secondary school class of '95. no. i called the school and had someone find them in a yearbook. here's the original owner's name. but it could have been through a dozen pawn shops since then. he hands her a piece of paper. grace has a big smile. sorry. i must remain where the hockey is good. grace hands the paper to reynaud. hmm. could be worse after getting run over by a pickup and twenty years in the ground. bodies get mixed up all the time. police found the wallet, called the mother and nothing was cross- checked. this was his head. medical examiner pulls a plastic bag from the coffin. slices it open, revealing skull fragments and teeth. passes them off to an assistant. get that to doctor shivani and make sure someone signs for it. she'll rebuild his jaw line and check it against martin asher's dental x-rays. this is a priority case, this afternoon maybe. please don't touch the remains. i'll swab your cheek and test your dna against the body. will that do it? grace. i ran mrs. asher's dna against the suspect down here. no way it's her son. a beat. lab ran the test twice. listen for a minute. there was a match. john costa is mrs. asher's biological son. grace laughs. it's a joke. dear god, i wish i was joking. grace turns and reacts.