i just saw my dead son get off the ferry. the cops trade looks. listen to me; he's been dead eighteen years. he just walked right past me. you need to open that grave. it can't be my son in there. a beat. inspector, i'm saddened by your loss and touched by loyalty. but let's focus on the matter at hand. he walked right past me. we made eye contact. i know he recognized me. it was my son. a mother knows these things. i will sign anything, i will swear before a judge. and thank you, i do have all my faculties and friends who can vouch for my character. yes. of course he's a man. he'd be thirty-two. and no, i did not speak with him. i ran. inspector, my son was very, very disturbed. he had serious emotional problems. i assure you he was. is. is a dangerous person. he hands her some forms. no. inspector. he is not.