steve at his desk, paging through files. a knock on the door. emmi at the door. steve at his desk. david present. another man, schlee, is in the chair. only steve and emmi now. pale, yellow electric light. silence. schlee, too, is very nervous. at last: emmi bursts in on steve and david. she's overawed: steve and david preparing papers. silence. steve studying his notes. david watching him. emmi staring forlornly into space. emmi, at the open door, has been listening. she's shocked, turns away to see steve, on the extension, chuckling, grinning from ear to ear. steve and david studying files in silence. furtwngler's baton is on steve's desk. steve drinks black coffee. steve by the open window, looking at his wristwatch, smoking a cigarette. david and emmi both watch him. the door opens and furtwngler bursts in. david and emmi look at him, puzzled. hot, windows closed. furtwngler seated. david and emmi present. steve looks up from his notes. steve is trying to get a number on the telephone. david is packing up his papers. the music at full blast. david, at an open window, keeps his back to steve, still on the telephone.