who's this? okay. and did we know each other? princeton is like a fog, america's like a fog. this is marge sherwood. tom - sorry, what was it? what are you doing in mongi? passing through! you're so white. did you ever see a guy so white, marge? gray, actually. say again? that's funny. sure. any time. i've been looking for you everywhere. what? sorry, sorry, sorry. i know, i'm late, i'm a swine. i just woke up. i'm sorry. fausto and i - we took the boat out, we were fishing, and then it was dawn and we'd caught absolutely nothing. we? who? oh, tom, hello, how are you? we thought you'd disappeared. we were going to send out a search party. is that good? can you mix a martini? everybody should have one talent. what's yours? that's three. nobody should have more than one talent. okay, do an impression. what? what's this? stop! it's too much! you're making all the hairs on my neck stand up! i feel like he's here. horrible. like the old bastard is here right now! that's brilliant! how do you know him? marge! you've got to hear this! meet my father, herbert richard greenleaf 1st. uncanny! what? i'm never going back. to actually hire somebody to come all the way here to drag me back home - got to be insane, hasn't he? it's got nothing to do with my mother! she's had leukemia for - ! this is what makes me boil about him! he wants me back! - it's got nothing to do with my mother. go back! go back to new york or call him if you can find a telephone that works, and tell him wild horses wouldn't drag me back to him or his shipyard. marge, ripley's saying goodbye. did you speak to my father? you like jazz! this is the best. marge says she likes jazz, but she things glenn miller is jazz. bird! ask me the name of my sailboat - bird! okay, we're going to naples. there's a club, it's not a club, it's a cellar. yes, it's vile. don't worry, you don't have to come. it's great. you're going to love it. good afternoon! i can't write and i can't spell. that's the privilege of a first-class education. you're upstairs at the back. i think ermelinda made the bed up. don't say it again. now you're a double agent and we're going to string my dad alone, i was thinking we might buy a little car with the expense money he's sending you. what do you think, marge. a little cinquecento with my dad's money? it'll just be for a little while. he can be. he makes me laugh. you'd say if you mind? marge, you like everybody. then i'll go to your place and you can move in with tom. now you know why miss sherwood always shows up for breakfast. it's not love it's the coffee machine. shut up. no it's for tom as he didn't complain. i had to promise, capital p, never to take it off - otherwise i'd give it to you. i hope it wasn't cheap. you're a dark horse, ripley. engaged? oh god - i can just imagine - if only dickie would settle down. doesn't every parent deserve a grandchild? never! i swear on your ring, marge. i am never going back. you're doing great. we'll make a sailor of you yet. you're doing really well. yes please! sure. i love venice. see venice and die, isn't that right? or is it rome? you do something and die, don't you? okay, venice is on the list. do you ski? don't tell me - you're a lost cause! that's the next thing to deal with. we're planning to go to cortina at christmas. excellent skiing. excellent. marge - ripley can't ski. we'll have to teach him that, too. have you ever known such low class? okay. i want to talk to you too. smile for me. you're breaking my ribs! you're breaking my ribs! i could fuck this icebox i love it so much. what were you actually doing in new york? that's one job, you told me a lot of jobs. the mysterious mr ripley. marge and i spend hours speculating. cold beer. thank you dad. i love the fact you brought shakespeare with you and no clothes. ermelinda says you wash the same shirt out every night. is that true? she can do that stuff for you. anyway, just wear some of my things, wear anything you want, most of it's ancient. without the glasses you're not even ugly. i don't need them because i never read. how do i look. i know. i write like a child. it must be a deep secret, cause i don't know about it. well we certainly know that's true. do you have any brothers? me neither. nor does marge. all only children - what does that mean? no! okay, you get in. i'm like a prune anyway. it is me. it's an old picture. every time - 'is it you? doesn't look like you'. what does he say? you've got to get a new jacket. really. you must be sick of the same clothes. i'm sick of seeing you in them. i love how responsible you are. my dad should make you chief accountant or something. let me buy you a jacket. there's a great place when we get to rome, batistoni. relax. relax. the most important question is where to eat. i hope freddie made a reservation. freddie miles. you know - he's organizing the cortina skiing trip. this is tom ripley. freddie miles. i'll tell you - i am so cabin-crazy with mongi. look, tom, we've got to go to a club and meet some friends of freddie's. the best thing is - if you want to be a tourist - grab a cab and we can meet up at the railway station. freddie's arranged it with some of the skiing crowd. come if you want but i thought you wanted to see the forum? listen, just take one of mine when we get back. don't worry about it. i did the forum with marge and, frankly, once is enough in anyone's life. ciao. have fun. i wish you'd get out of my clothes. get undressed in your own room, would you? freddie drove me back in his car. he's downstairs. he's drowning me! come on, frederico, do you really have to go back? at least stick around for the festival of the madonna. do you think you can steer this thing? just point her at capri and avoid the rocks. marge-maintenance. i don't know! why are you asking me? how can it take an hour to find an ambulance? i don't know why people say this country's civilised. it isn't. it's fucking primitive. what about us? what are you talking about? she came to me for help, she needed money, and i didn't help her. i didn't help her. now she's dead and it's my fault. you can't blame him. you could hardly expect this to go on forever. i can't, how can i, in all decency? we've had a good run, haven't we? i don't think so, tom. you can't stay on here without money. it's time we all moved on. besides i'm sick of mongi. especially now with everything - i really want to move to the north. i need to check out san remo next week, find somewhere new to keep the boat. but it would be great, though, if you came with me. our last trip before you leave. there's a jazz festival - we could say goodbye in style. what do you think? a last trip? why do you do that thing - with your neck? on trains you always do that thing, it's so spooky. this is more like it. didn't i tell you san remo was crazy! to mongi. you're cheerful tonight. that's good. ripley's plans. did i know you at princeton, tom? i didn't, did i? no reason. because you're leaving, i guess. i don't think you were there, were you? i mean it as a compliment. you've got such great taste, i don't know. most of the thugs at princeton had tasted everything and had no taste. used to say, the cream of america: rich and thick. freddie's the perfect example. i knew it! i had a bet with marge! do you even like jazz - or was that something for my benefit? i'm thinking of giving up the sax, what do you think about drums? so cool. that's how i found my place in mongi. took a boat out round the bay. the first place i liked, i got it. i love it here! gonna live here! so tell me. really? to italy? oh god, i don't think so. marge and i are getting married. how? i love marge. tom, i don't love you. i'm actually a little relieved you're going, to be honest. i think we've seen enough of each other for a while. you can be a leech - you know this - and it's boring. you can be quite boring. what evening? who are you - some imposter, some third class mooch - who are you to tell me anything? actually, i really really really don't want to be on this boat with you, i can't move without you moving, which is exactly how it feels and it gives me the creeps. i can't move without - "dickie, dickie, dickie" - like a little girl. you give me the - for god's sake.