most enjoyable. herbert greenleaf. i see you were at princeton. then you'll most likely know our son, dick. dickie greenleaf. yes. of course, dickie's idea of music is jazz. he has a saxophone. to my ear jazz is just noise, just an insolent noise. yes. an exceptional young man. mongibello. tiny place. south of naples. marge, his uh, the young lade is supposedly writing some kind of book. god knows what he does. by all accounts they spend the whole time on the beach. or his sailboat. that's my son's talent, spending his allowance. good. now you can go for a reason. tom. how are you? you look well. far cry from new york. marge, good morning. unusual weather. pretty good. sticking with hot water. san remo. the police are amateurs. well, my boy, it's come to a pretty pass, hasn't it? he's being thorough, that's all. i'm learning about my son, tom, now he's missing. i'm learning a great deal about him. i hope you can fill in some more blanks for me. marge has been good enough to do that, about mongibello. this theory, the letter he left for you, the police think that's a clear indication he was planning on doing something. to himself. you don't want to, dear. i'd like to talk to tom alone - perhaps this afternoon? would you mind? marge, what a man may say to his sweetheart and what he'll admit to another fellow - what a waste of lives and opportunities and - - i'd pay that fellow a hundred dollars right now to shut up! no, marge doesn't know the half of it. and his passport photo? did you hear? to scratch out your own face like that - can you imagine - the frame of mind you'd have to be in? i've thought about going to the police but i can't face it. i can't face anything anymore. well, if we all pushed him away what about him pushing us away? you've been a great friend to my son. everything is someone else's fault. we all want to sow wild oars. somebody's got to - what's the word? the moment someone confronts him he lashes out. he lashes out. you know, people always say you can't choose your parents, but you can't choose your children. marge, there's female intuition, and then there are facts - tom. marge has been telling us about the rings. perhaps you didn't mention them because there's only one conclusion to be drawn. i'm going to take marge for a little walk, tom. mr maccarron wants to talk with you. no, he should talk to you alone.