how do you do. you should come and have lunch with us, before you go - dickie? and be careful in the sun. your gray's in danger of turning a little pink. did you forget where i live? it's four o'clock. you just woke up! well, we ate everything without you. yes, tom ripley's here. tom was telling me about his trip over. made me laugh so much i got a nosebleed. shut up! i'll do it. i make a fabulous martini. what? what? what's going on? i don't get it. hi tom. i'll come down. hello tom. you're off? what are your plans? i never said that! which is ridiculous. boats are female, everyone knows you can't call a boat after a man. it's vile. dickie, you can't even drive a car! no, what we need urgently is an icebox. what do you think, tom? agree with me and i'll be your friend for life. okay, darling. no, i like him. i don't like you. it's the one task dickie can do on his own - make coffee. oh darling - is that for me? tom, i love you! see! i bought it for him, for his birthday. bastard! isn't it great, tom? i found it in naples. i bargained for about two weeks. oh, it was. frances? dubious but special honor, tom - crewing dickie's boat. alright, bar's open. poor tom. good thing we're not getting married. we might have to invite him on our honeymoon. oh i hated new york - that park avenue crowd - so i fled to paris to work on my book, and i was always going to this cafe with jean-jacques, and dickie used to play his saxophone outside and i would see him and he would see me, and he would play my funny valentine. it was only later that i realised he only knows about six songs. si. come sempre. grazie. hi, tom. come join us. you really should go in, it's marvellous. are you okay? the thing with dickie - it's like the sun shines on you and it's glorious, then he forgets you and it's very very cold. he's not even aware of it. when you've got his attention you feel like you're the only person in the world. that's why everybody loves him. other times. it's always the same whenever someone new comes into his life - freddie, fausto, peter smith-kingsley - he's wonderful - did you meet him, he's a musician? - . and especially you, of course. and that's only the boys. didn't dick say? - he talked to freddie. apparently it's not going to work out - freddie says there aren't enough rooms. well, she was already dead, darling, wasn't she, so i suppose - dickie! i'll go. tom, you startled me! you're back. yes - i'm on a good streak, thanks. where's dickie? ha. did he say why? what does that mean? is that what he said - he wanted to be alone? thanks. he knows i love this, although why it couldn't have waited. how long's he staying for? there was a letter from dickie in with my perfume. you realize it's more than a few days? he's thinking of moving to rome. oh my god. tom. is he here? are you with dickie? no glasses. is he really not here? you were going to venice. i don't know her. he hasn't called, he's hardly written, just these cryptic notes. you don't just dump people. hello. dickie? do you know dickie? i told you! i knew it! how would you know that? do you know tom? dickie was at the opera last night. he was there with someone. so i suppose she must have dragged him - that's not fair. i'm going back to mongi. i think dickie's coming home. i'm going to go home. i hope so. did he kill freddie? tell me the truth. did he kill freddie? i tried again, waiting here, watching for him. instead it's you. whenever i look for dickie i find you. dickie? what? where does dickie live? perhaps i shouldn't go either. dick? dickie? i know you can hear me. what am i doing, chasing you around? i was going to say i would count to three and if you didn't open the door, but i won't count any more. on you. i won't count on you any more. whatever it is, whatever you've done or haven't done, you've broken my heart. that's one thing i know you're guilty of, and i don't know why, i don't know why, i just don't know why. hello peter, so good to see you. tom. he's not coming till the morning. evidently his stomach - i don't think the food here is agreeing with him. dickie hasn't killed himself. i'm sure of that. there's a private detective on the case now - a mr maccarron - dickie's father's employing him. he's american. he's already discovered dickie cashed checks for $1000 the day before he disappeared. is this you? golly. who's paying for this? this is spectacular. a hotel would've been fine. we'll have to tell mr greenleaf how far his dollar has stretched. no, nothing. i'm just thinking about when tom arrived in mongi. and now look at you. to the manner born. very. where's mr maccarron? i just don't believe that! such as? did dickie's dad go? poor man. we were knocking on that door for ever. i think i've broken my strap. you walk in venice! i found dickie's rings. you've got dickie's rings. dickie promised me he would never take off this ring. i have to tell mr greenleaf. i have to tell mr greenleaf. i have to tell mr greenleaf. he promised me. i swear i'll never take off this ring until the day - i was looking for a needle and thread. i wasn't snooping. i was looking for a needle and thread to mend my bra. why do you have dickie's rings? why? when? i don't believe you. i don't believe a single word you've said. oh peter! get me out of here. what are you going to do now, tom? why do i think there's never been a ripley rainy day? i know it was you - i know it was you, tom. i know it was you. i know you killed dickie. i know it was you.