peter smith-kingsley. i've heard about you, of course - from marge, and dickie. where are you hiding him? he's impossible, isn't he? yes, what happened? i heard you were desperate to come. i was looking forward to rowing you around. well hurry, before we sink. should i give you my telephone number in venice? look there's meredith thingy - who's that, marge? - they're in textiles. meredith - god, how awful, i've spent christmas in her house! will we see you later? and tomorrow? i know the piazza di spagna. what time? we'll be there. of course it is, meredith, hello, i'm sorry, half-asleep, how are you? this is marge sherwood. meredith logue. join us, won't you? we're just waiting for a friend. do you know, i wonder did we see you at the opera last night? well no, as it happens, although. no, we're meeting another friend. tom ripley. not at all. morning tom. we think he's had a change of heart. so we should be celebrating. that was moving, wasn't it? when meredith said - meredith's the american girl i saw last night, i know her, at the opera, she's been seeing something of dickie - but the point is dickie - well we know this - dickie loves marge and he misses her and apparently he's come to his senses. i'll see you over there! don't be daft. it's fine. i'm delighted you finally made it to venice. i'm delighted, contrary to rumour, you're still in one piece? that dickie murdered you and is travelling under your passport. i know, ridiculous. welcome to venice. this place reeks, doesn't it? can you smell it? ugh. sorry. not the best way to spend your first day. anyway i've got to the bottom of the delay. finally. we're waiting for someone from rome. that's good, isn't it? you've seen the papers, you know what a big deal it's been here. american tourist murdered - lui. him. he's taken over the case because. they're annoyed the previous chap let dickie. disappear when he was the only, he was the only suspect in freddie's murder. a roma, circa tre settimane fa. where have you been since then? i don't know how to translate that. e difficile. il signor ripley . dormiva all'aperto, con un. he thinks it's very cold to be sleeping outside. are you a homosexual? interesting non-sequitur. no. by the way, officially there are no italian homosexuals. makes leonardo, michelangelo very inconvenient. il signor ripley ha una fidanzata, il signor dickie ha una fidanzata e probabilmente il signor freddie miles ha molte fidanzate. he says so many fiances. he wants to know if you killed freddie miles and then killed dickie greenleaf? he's already angry, i don't think - a ragione. a ragione. they found this in dickie's place in rome. can you imagine, if dickie did kill freddie, what must that be like? to wake up every morning, how can you? just wake up and be a person, drink a coffee? but you're still tormented, you must be, you've killed somebody. probably. in my case it's probably a whole building. that's the music talking. harder to be bleak if you're playing knees up mother brown. no key, huh? i think we sort of found each other. no, it's tom's. splendid, eh? that's why tom wanted you to stay. it's better than squeezing into my room, and i know how you hate hotels. what's funny? you look ghastly, tom. are you okay? not guilty. are you okay? do you want me to stick around? or i could come back. tom, are you okay? tom. tom! tell me, what's going on? you can't be angry with her. she's upset and needs someone to blame. so she blames you. i'll go home and talk to her. as for you - either get a safety razor or grow a beard. what do you want to change about this moment? hello. what are you up to? plans - good, plans for tonight or plans for the future? you go. i don't want to get dressed yet. come back though. come back. you know, you look so relaxed, like a completely different person. how was it? was that meredith? meredith logue. you were kissing somebody. looked like meredith. didn't look that way - you know - from a distance. why lie? or tom and peter even. really, why? sorry, i'm completely lost. what do you mean lied about who you are? what are you talking about - you're not a nobody! that's the last thing you are. and don't forget. i have the key. good things about tom ripley? could take some time!. tom is talented. tom is tender. tom is beautiful. Tom is a mystery.