dickie greenleaf? inspector roverini. can we come in? it's a terrible shock, eh? what time did signor miles leave yesterday? so signor miles drove away and you did what? senta. we have to ask you to stay in rome. so, the doctor, he has to make the - - come se dice? yes, exactly, but his first, his first conclusion was that signor miles was killed not later than seven o'clock yesterday evening. no. of course. what happened to your face? never. we've had many requests and, of course, we say no - even to your fiance. even your fiance? what about thomas ripley? you and signor ripley went to san remo, is that right? november, i thought. november 7th is my information. and when did you last see signor ripley? does he stay with you here? no. here is a pattern. two days ago freddie miles is dead - he leaves your apartment and is murdered. yesterday a little boat is found in san remo full of rocks, and the owner tells the police it was stolen on november 7th. we look at hotel records and we see oh! dickie greenleaf is staying in san remo and then our boatman remembers two americans taking a boat. 31 people. that is miss sherwood now. marge sherwood. may i ask. why would you speak to your friend and not your fiance? do you have a photograph of signor ripley? now i think i have upset you. my english perhaps is coarse. sorry. no-one has seen signor ripley since san - you have, yes. good. the goldoni. yes - you're right. a coincidence. i look forward to our next meeting when i will be more careful with my english and persuade you to play me your saxophone. alto. i have a witness who thinks they saw two men getting into mr miles' car. she wants to identify you in a - confronto - line-up. tomorrow then?