is your name rocklin? i want that money you took from my brother last night. you took it at the point of a gun -- -- and i'm taking it back the same way! stop! you! stop, or i'll kill you! turn around. you lied to me, didn't you? don't think i'll forget this. making a fool of me in front of the whole town. i've just heard they let george clews out of penitentiary and that he's headed this way. you might tell him from me, if he sets foot on the santee ranch, i'll shoot him on sight. you have mutual friends. i am. have it your own way; but it'd be fair to warn him, because i mean it. yes? i've a message for you -- from harolday. he wants you to come down to the office. he's got a proposition to make -- about riding for him. sixty a month. i wouldn't offer you a red cent. but it's his money. and the way things are shaping, maybe we could do with somebody as mean as you around the ranch. well? d'you want the job? he's not following me -- he's with me -- he's always with me. the best friend i've got. wait here. i've just hired a man named rocklin and said you made me do it. sixty dollars and he 'll earn it -- while he lasts. so i can fire him. i hate him. clint and he quarrelled last night. clint lied about it and i made a fool of myself. he's outside now. come in. i thought maybe you'd changed your mind again. juan'll show you the bunkhouse. i'll talk to you about your duties in the morning. as arly moves toward the porch, shelley snaps back to life and resumes sweeping -- but furiously. clint regards the girl in the vague manner of the puzzled gent he is. 'mornin', clint. forget it. tala. well -- what do you mean? good morning, tala. have my horse saddled and sent around right away -- will you? you can have that rocklin bring it. what's the matter? he quit? what? be quiet. oh -- what do you mean? how do you know that? oh, leave me alone. did you send that rocklin to table- top? well, let's get things straight. this place was my mother's -- now it's mine and clint's -- it's true you've been helping out -- but the way things are going we'll soon be able to pay you back every penny we owe. meanwhile, i'm running this outfit and i expect to give the orders. why did you send rocklin up to table- top? who'd ever try driving cattle over table-top? -- unless they were crazy. you take care what you're saying. you think i did that? i haven't minded a bit -- -- because i came up to fire you. get out of here -- get off the santee and don't ever come back. if you mean juan -- you're loco. he's not even up here. yes. the man who shot at you. i don't know. i mean i don't know -- why should i lie to you? you look like you've been fighting. i was just telling miss caldwell about -- well -- you and me. go ahead, tell him -- -- and i dare him to deny it. and didn't you make love to me? you didn't kiss me -- i suppose? you see? that's it -- start swearin'-- just like a man. she's lovely, isn't she? -- so sweet -- honest, and helpless. pity you didn't fall in love with her, instead of me. don't be so sure -- i don't think i'm doin' so badly. don't you know? i always get what i want. -- see? -- 'bye now -- why did you do it? but you didn't fire it. what happened? what about? wait a minute -- he's get a right to be heard. well, we're listenin'. but if someone's trying to kill you, why didn't they do it just now? why did they have to kill clint? where do you think he's gone? take me through the canyon. but if we get through we'll beat them to the k.c. afraid? no, -- we're going through together. no. if only we make it in time. get down from there before i show you. -- and they're headed this way and should get here any minute -- where'd you get this? you've got to get away -- they'll be here -- they'll catch you -- you've got to stop him -- he's got to get away. you haven't time -- they're coming -- don't you believe me? -- get him -- -- out of sight, and follow me. look. come on. he was just getting ready to finish you off, through that window. by one bad chance -- juan saw you do it. that pouch is his -- juan made it for him a long time ago. didn't you? and i'll bet you're just the one who can do it. for what? beautiful day. that's true of lots of things. well -- you and -- me.