doin' yourself well these days, stan. the one that might send you to the penitentiary. i saw it yesterday under the hay. you're sure gonna brighten things up considerable around the k.c. ranch. rustlin'. rustlin' -- cattle stealin'. save it -- law's pretty harsh 'round here on cattle thieves. you're 'way behind the herd, mister -- red caldwell died three weeks ago. maybe he was gettin' on to things about the cattle that's been missin' from the k.c. lately. well, you got beef -- that's the way it is, dave. that's right -- your old pal bob clews. them's fightin' words, pardner. what he needs is a short lay-down. you bet. i'll be more'n glad to accommodate you -- i knocked, but guess you didn't hear me. looks like you stirred things up around here last night, stranger. no. i got a message for you. from old man harolday. wants to see you out front. maybe he wants to thank you for teaching that pup of his a lesson. funniest sight i ever seen. you broke it! you broke it! i never played you no trick. you broke my wrist. said you were expectin' trouble with that rocklin. he was drunk -- we'll be close-by. hey, george -- george, get up. untie her. we'll dump them right in the judge's lap.