auntie -- aren't you going to have any supper? oh, no but, mr. -- er -- i don't know your name. mr. rocklin, it isn't fair for you to pay anything back. oh! i know. i saw you ride into town this morning. you looked lovely. just what i'd like to be. oh, this is mr. rocklin. he drove us in from garden city last night. he. oh. auntie! auntie, why did you have to say that? i simply don't understand you. good afternoon, mr. rocklin. lovely day, isn't it? we-el, not exactly moving in. you see. auntie! oh, mr. rocklin -- i'm so glad i've found you -- i was on my way to the santee and learned you were in town. i feel perfectly awful, running after you like this, but -- my aunt found out i wrote you and made a terrible scene -- no -- and because i refused, auntie said she would sign an affidavit that i'm still underage, and then, as my guardian she can do what she likes. no -- but mr. garvey has a letter that would prove it. my aunt wrote it before we came out here. he'd never give it to me. oh, please -- you -- you won't go getting yourself in trouble -- i -- i'd rather give up everything -- i mean -- did you get it? but i hate putting you to that trouble. i think i'd better be going. oh -- oh, really i'd rather not -- that she was with you last night at the cabin in the mountains. please -- you needn't explain. after all, it really isn't any of my business, is it? i don't know how i can ever thank you for trying to help me. i do appreciate it ever so much -- don't think too harshly of me, will you -- i -- yes -- i'm running away -- and it's all your fault -- you're the one who's been deceitful and sneaking -- and don't think i don't know what you intend doing. i don't care -- i'm not ashamed of it -- and nothing you can say or do is going to stop me. but why? -- why are you being so secretive? -- if you know something, why don't you tell me? -- and i heard one of them tell my aunt not to worry, that he was just as anxious as she was to get even with you. oh, mr. rocklin -- please -- i think auntie is out of her mind -- she's in her room -- laughing. no -- i don't suppose there's any -- rush -- if i was like her, i'd stay in the west. it's where i belong -- i know that now -- i can tell you -- you belong with her --