what did i tell you? they gotta be big to beat me! aw -- come on. can't you take it? come on, doc. i still got to take something from you. have a heart, judge. this ain't no two-bit saddle-tramp's game. this is for real money. raise you twenty. not if he wants to dig. one for me. i can take it if i want it. i'm playing these, mister! i'm not splitting -- i'm betting! are you calling? let me have some money i've called for all i've got. full house. you -- mister -- get away from that table. and get out of here. maybe from now on you'll know a full house beats two pairs -- four-flusher! no man can run a bluff on me. when anybody plays poker with me, they play my game or not at all. comes back? it's all yours, mister -- cap, there -- cap is an old gambler -- he says you were right all the time. what happened? have you seen arly? 'mornin', arly -- you must be feeling pretty good. say, arly -- about that poker game, night before last, i --- forget it? what is this? -- what do i mean? -- see what i mean? i just heard that -- that rocklin was -- was shot at last night. not me. you ain't trying to pin it on me? 'cause if you are, you're in for a big disappointment. i was over at the sun-up playing poker with the judge and the rest of the boys till early morning. if you don't believe me, ask for yourself. what d'you mean? no. course i didn't quit riding me! i don't know nothin' about it i tell you. jest because i had a run-in with you over a game o' cards, that don't mean i'd sneak up on you in the dark and. aw, what do i care. what's this all about? i told you once, i don't know who owns that pouch-- and i don't know who shot you. well, what do you want to talk about? come on, get it over with. me? no! i don't know nothing, i tell you -- i tell ya, i. no! no, don't!