on clara. she is looking rather timidly up at rocklin. on rocklin. he is grinning appreciatively at old dave. now he notices clara and regards her soberly a moment. stage. miss martin thrusts her head out of the window. stage. dave grins at rocklin, then listens for the outcry he expects from the women within. the old lady's head bobs out of the window. zeke and dave as they beat one another on the back. dish of meat. it is swimming in greasy brown gravy. of the group, with clews looking significantly at jackson, who is obviously checkmated by rocklin's remark. rocklin on the driver's seat, handling the reins expertly. rocklin, as he comes out of the shadow of the alleyway and stands blinking in the full sunlight. sensing something unusual, he looks quickly around. arly. she raises her gun. rocklin's hand on the door as four shots in quick succession spatter a line down the door close to his hand. at bar, dave has taken the bottle from cap and is refilling rocklin's and his own glass ecstatically. rocklin, as he stares at arly with an enigmatic expression. suddenly, he seems to make up his mind. rocklin -- camera moving with him as he comes slowly and steadily forward. george. his hands are on his guns, but drunk or not, he has too much sense to draw too soon. clint as he stares wide-eyed at the pouch. harolday and clint are at window looking past camera toward the street. they see rocklin carrying his saddle, walking toward the sun-up. shorty davis hails rocklin, says something to him and points to the sun-up. rocklin leaves, walking faster. clint and rocklin. the latter is still looking toward the window. with a swift movement clint picks up the water jug from the washstand and brings it down on rocklin's head. as rocklin falls out of shot, clint turns to the window with a triumphant smile. suddenly his expression changes. rocklin, still holding his gun as he stares down at clint's body o.s. now he studies the faces of the mob. harolday, as he sees clint's body and stops dead in horror. he turns to rocklin. arly, who has been staring at rocklin in frowning bewilderment. rocklin. dave, half standing as he urges his team on. behind him are the closed flaps of the wagon top. dave is driving the team for all it is worth. rocklin is looking back. he turns to dave. arly and julio; arly seated behind julio, considerably disheveled and sobbing. of arly. george clews on the wagon seat. he is smiling and is going to try to bluff it out. arly. rocklin. there is but one thought in his enraged mind -- clews. he tears into him again. miss martin. her mouth snaps shut like a trap.