on the window. the men inside, including dave and cap, are pressed against the glass. close shot -- arley with the smoking gun still in her hand. she stares wildly after rocklin for a second, then wheels her horse violently toward the group which includes cling harolday and bob clews. as george clews steps outside, a mangy mongrel dog, basking close by, evidently recognizes him and tails it away, leaving george blinking at him. med. shot -- rocklin and crowd as they swirl around him offering congratulations. dave pushes his way through the crowd and thumps rocklin on the back in wild enthusiasm. at the same time, the sound of a horse cantering is heard, and jackson comes into shot. on rocklin just stepping off the curb. dave comes in to him. panning shot. juan is lounging against the corner of the building, soberly watching rocklin's approach. as rocklin comes into the scene he spots juan, and stops a moment as though deciding whether or not to question him. during this, juan casually takes his ornamental tobacco pouch from his pocket and begins to roll a cigarette.