how about you, sir? care to sit in? i'm warnin' you, though -- our young friend here has been holding phenomenal cards. fine! oh -- this is pap fossler; shorty davis; ab jenkins; mr. harolday, and my name's garvey -- judge garvey. i didn't get your name. no place for me. why don't you split the pot? oh, come in, mr. rocklin. come right in. i was. i don't understand. job? what job? on the "k.c."? but -- but why should he want you? is that your only motive for coming here? i don't know -- it's just that red caldwell was a peculiar man -- had a funny way of doing things. well, i'm sorry, mr. rocklin, that you've been brought all this way on a fool's errand, but -- i'm afraid the deal's off. i don't want to be too hard on you, but as executor of the estate i have to consider the interests of the new owner. how about, say, a hundred in full settlement? that's my last word -- think it over. how do you do, ladies -- yes -- and you are -- of course -- of course -- you came at a very opportune moment, madam. this gentleman claims to have some sort of a letter from the late mr. caldwell, engaging him as foreman of the "k.c." but really, miss arly, why should you deliver your message through me? if you're referring to sheriff jackson. but that's absurd. the fact that he employs one of the clews brothers doesn't make the other his friend. oh, miss caldwell, this is miss harolday -- miss martin, miss caldwell's aunt. you should know one another, seeing you'll be neighbors. miss harolday runs the santee ranch for her stepfather. she's a famous -- ah -- horsewoman in these parts. and inexperienced. exactly. that takes care of that -- now, i'll draw up an affidavit right away and everything will be taken care of as we want it. -- of course not. it's the better choice of two evils -- now let's see -- i, elizabeth -- it is elizabeth, isn't it? -- elizabeth martin, of danvers, massachusetts, do hereby -- well, mr. rocklin, this is indeed a surprise. didn't expect to see you so soon. i understood you were riding for the santee. perhaps you'd better come back later -- did you say letter? no -- i'm afraid i don't. what is your interest in this letter? you realize what this is, don't you? -- robbing -- armed robbery at that. i warn you, you're in for a disappointment. listens, you -- there's nothing in there that'd interest you. all right -- i'll open it -- just to convince you i'm not hiding any letter. what's the idea? anything wrong in a man having cards in his possession? you're taking those, i presume. now, you look here -- caldwell -- and you believe a story like that? get out of my way -- tell miss martin that i'll take care of everything. and i'll bet it's the same one the bullet that killed clint came out of. you admit it. he admits it was his gun that shot him. don't be a fool, rocklin. you know you can't get away with a yarn like that. why don't you save yourself and everyone else a lot of trouble by surrendering to the sheriff? after all, it isn't such a crime in these parts to kill a man in self-defense. everyone knows what clint was like. he probably lost his head and pulled a gun on you, like he did at the sun- up that night. wasn't that it? never mind that -- let's get going for garden city -- that's where he's headed for. i'm positive. there's only one other place he might have gone -- the k.c. i'm positive. we're after rocklin -- has he been here? gone -- the clewses -- funny we didn't see them. but, madam -- perhaps you'd better. i'll meet you in town, jackson. -- and you're positive he knows everything? i'm not asking you -- and don't bother me with your silly questions -- we've got to do something besides talk. my idea -- that's all you know about it. no -- it's not mine. no -- no -- i don't know -- -- harolday wanted the k.c. like he wanted the santee and the hardman place, for his land scheme -- he planned on breaking up the ranches into small holdings and selling to dirt farmers. he pretended to be on the outs with me so i could get caldwell's confidence. and when red caught me with the crooked cards and threatened to expose me -- harolday shot him. that shot was an accident -- it was meant for you. we planned on getting the women to let me handle their business --