why did you do it, arly? all right. send him in. mr. rocklin, what happened between you and my son last night? hmmm. about this suggestion of you working for me. ye-es. sixty dollars is big money. no, no. wait a minute. i take it you've had the experience. oh -- had caldwell hired you? i see -- were you a friend of red's? the street is clear. you being hired by red caldwell only confirms what i'd suspected -- he was getting ready to fight. organized rustling. well at least -- that's my belief. red was no friend of mine. too fond of taking the law into his own hands. but he had my sympathy. he'd been harder hit than any of us. and on top of it all, he lost his foreman. he was shot -- in the back -- with a bullet from the same caliber rifle as got red. no -- except that the man you just pistol-whipped is in on it somewhere. pity you didn't kill him when you had the chance. want to go back and work for them? oh, you mean my step-daughter. well don't worry. she won't interfere with you. rocklin -- i figure we've been losin' cattle over a place called table top -- it's the back way into the topaz ranch and the perfect route for rustlers -- i'm going to send you up to the line camp -- you don't mind working a lone hand -- do you? good -- be ready to move out this afternoon. good morning, julio -- morning arly. fetch my briefcase -- it's on my desk. looks like we're going to get that land we've been wanting along the river bottom. i didn't tell you -- but i bought the mortgage on the hardman ranch, and it's due today -- on my way over there now. i did. you generally do. it seemed to me a good idea -- what with all this rustling going on -- i don't agree with you. in any case -- if you must have it -- i'd no intention of engaging a man at foreman's wages just to gratify the whims of a jealous woman! it's you should take care, my dear. i'm afraid there's one man you can't rawhide into jumping the way you want. you've made a fool of yourself over him once. better watch out you don't do it again. i thought i sent you up to table- top. what happened? i told you you'd regret letting that rat clews off so easy. what's the matter? don't you think it was him, then? juan? mr. rocklin was just telling me all about it. any idea who might have done it? yes. what sort of thing would clint here know about, that would help identify the man who tried to kill you last night? well, go on -- speak up. did you ever see it before? he means trouble. listen, i never did have much use for you. you're a poor specimen at the best; but as a would-be bad man you're nothing but a laughing stock. why, the way you lied about that pouch just now wouldn't have deceived a six-year old. all right, let it go at that. but i got myself to think of. it wouldn't suit me at all just now to have you shown up in public for what you are by that trouble-shootin' cowhand. my advice to you is to get out of the district and stay out. you'll find some money in the safe at the ranch. take what you need and put the key in the desk drawer. now get. where is he? -- where's my boy? you murderer. then who did? well, what do you say to that? he's lying. he's trying to cover up for killing my boy. well, sheriff -- you certainly are to be congratulated. you sure? after that storm? -- he'd never make it. that's what you said before. we'll go on and meet you in town.